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Competition Tribunal File No. COMPETITION TRIBUNAL COMPETITION TRIBUKAL BETWEEN: TRIBUNAL oe· LA CONCURRENCE F (_,~ d-M8rOO~ ~ STEVEN OLAH Applicant ~ SEP c 18 s -2008 g g · ~-REGISTRAR REGISTRAIRE T -and- e:rrrAWA, ON I 0 b D.3 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN as represented by the Correctional Service of Canada and GRA VENHURST HOME HARDWARE Respondents

AFFIDAVIT OF STEVEN OLAH 1. I, Steven Olah, of the Town of Gravenhurst in the District ofMuskoka in the Province of Ontario am the applicant in this proceeding and as such I have personal knowledge of the matters hereinafter deposed to. . ,r\> ~'f.>~t't~ Mft-11n~ 2. I am an inmate of P00broek Institution, a~ security federal penitentiary

located near Gravenhurst, Ontario. ~ 3. Penbrook is amongst the newest of Canadian penitentiaries. It is located beside the much older Beaver Creek Institution, a minimum security penitentiary. 4. In much of the rest of Canada, when penitentiaries are located in close proximity, the institutions share certain services. 5. One of the services provided by the Correctional Service of Canada (with the exception of Penbrook Institution) is to have a Social development Officer assemble

requests from inmates who wish to make purchases and have that staff person make the purchases on behalf of inmates who are not permitted to leave the institution to do their shopping. 6. When Fenbrook was built, a conscious decision was taken to save the cost of this staff person and effectively privatize the function of the Social Development Officer. 7. To accomplish this, the Government of Canada for the Correctional Service of Canada entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Gravenhurst Home Hardware whereby the Gravenhurst Home Hardware would do the procurement usually done by a Social Development Officer. The benefit was that the Gravenhurst Home Hardware would be the sole source for inmate acquisitions. If the merchandise was in the inventory of the Gravenhurst Home Hardware, inmates would be charged the retail cost of the item purchased without any additional markup. If the good had to be ordered from outside the Gravenhurst Home Hardware inventory, inmates would be charged the retail price plus an additional 10% if the item was hobby craft material or an additional 20% if the merchandise was other than hobby craft items. 8. I brought suit in the Federal Court to challenge this procedure but my suit was dismissed since the Court found, inter alia, that it had no jurisdiction to deal with complaints under the Competition Act. A true copy of the reasons for judgment in my unsuccessful suit is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "A" to this my affidavit. 9. I have used the Privacy Act to obtain a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Correctional Service of Canada and the Gravenhurst Home Hardware. A true copy of that document is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "B" to this my

affidavit. I have made recent inquiries and I verily believe that the privatization continues with the markups as reported above continuing. 10. By virtue of section 4( e) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, inmates are accorded the same rights as persons not kept in penitentiary save and except as those rights may be "necessarily removed or restricted as a consequence of the sentence." The right to have compliance with the Competition Act is of general application to Canadian citizens. The Correctional Service of Canada's practice of "exclusive dealing" and "tied selling" as defined in section 77(1) of the Competition Act is not a right that is necessarily removed as a consequence of incarceration as inmates in all other institutions have the right to shop in a competitive market. 11. I make this affidavit in support of my application to have these market restrictions declared illegal and to have such restrictions cease.

SWORN BEFORE ME at the) Town ofGravenhurst in the )------===........=_,£--------Province of Ontario, this ) ~I Day of August, 2008 ) Janet Mary Strength, a CommisSioner, etc., Dlst!ICt Municipality of MuskOka. for 1he Government of Canada. eorrectiOnal Servtce ot

Canada. Expires January 6, 2011.

Qicrm: f£afraic Date: 20061018 C/<NAO,t.

Docket: T-1455-05 Citation: 2006 FC 1245 Ottawa, Ontario, October 18, 2006 PRESENT: The Honourable Mr. Justice KeJen BETWEEN: STEVEN OLAH Applicant and

THE ATTORNEY GE~'ERAL OF CANADA Respondent REASONS FOR JUDGMENT AND JUDGMENT [l) The applicant is an inmate at the Penbrook Medium Security Institution (Penbrook) located in Gravenhurst, Ontario. Fenbrook has implemented a privatized Inmate Purchasing Service wherein irunates may purchase merchandise from Gravenhurst Home Hardware (Home Hardware) at retail prices. When an inmate purchases an item not regularly stocked by Home Hardware, Home Hardware purchases the item from another retailer and sells it to the inmate with a 20% mark-up for general merchandise and with a I 0% mark-up for hobbycraft goods. Penbrook is the only federal penitentiary at which inmates must pay a mark-up on retail goods purchased for their own use. THIS IS EXHIBIT ~,,.:. o<-HI TO THE AFFIDAVIT OF ~

SWO~N BEF~E ME THIS d., J DAY OF ~. ?.es?[. . ~J~~ERETC. I Janet Mary SlrengttJ, a Commissioner, etc., District Municipality of Muskoka, forlle Government of Canada, Correc1lonal Service of Canada. Expires Jaooary 6, 2011.

Page: 2 Other institutions employ an officer who purchases retail goods ordered by the inmate, \l/'lthout charging the inmate any mark-up for the service. [2] The applicant seeks a declaration that the contra.ct between the Correctional Service of Canada (the CSC) and Home Hardware constitutes a violation of section 74 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act and a conspiracy under subsection 45(1) of the Competition Act to the extent that it grants Home Hardware the exclusive right to market its products to Fenbrook's inmates and charge them a mark-up for doing so. [3) On May 28, 2004, the Penbrook Irunate Welfare Committee (the Inmate Committee), of which the applicant is a member, submitted a first level group grievance challenging the decision to charge mark-ups on items purchased by inmates. In its 44-page presentation, the Inmate Corrunittee described its concern that Home Hardware had charged a 10% mark-up on all non-stocked hobbycraft items and a 20% mark-up on all other non-stocked items. This practice, the Inmate Committee argued, contravened Fenbrook's contract with Home Hardware, which required that Home Hardware attempt to negotiate with suppliers for wholesale prices so that it could sell the items to the inmates at a normal retail price. If wholesale prices were not possible, Home Hardware would charge a mark-up to cover its costs, and the mark-up was to be negotiated serni-arumally between Home Hardware and Fenbrook. The Inmate Committee described a feeling among the inmate population of frustration and powerlessness resulting from what it perceived as a forced monopoly by Home Hardware. (4 ] The Inmate Committee's first level grievance was denied. On June 21, 2005, the applicant submitted a second level grievance. On August 23, 2005, the applicant filed with the Court a Notice of Application for judicial review. Subsection 81 (1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release

Page: 3 Regulations provides that a grievance review must be deferred where an offender decides to pursue a legal remedy for the offender's grievance in addition to the internal grievance procedure until a decision is rendered on the alternate remedy or the offender abandons it. On July 5, 2005, the applicant was advised that his second level grievance had been deferred accordingly.

LEGISLATION [5] The legislation relevant to this application is as follows: 1. the Canadian Charter ofR ig/us and Freedoms, 2. the Competition Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-34; 3. the Corrections and Condirional Release Acr, S.C. 1992, c. 20; 4. the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations, S.O.R./92-620; 5. the Criminal Code, RS.C~ 1985, c. C-46; and 6. the Federal Courts Act, R..S.C. 1985, c. F-7. The relevant excerpts of these statutes and regulations are set out in Appendix "A" to these Reasons.

lsS UES [6J This application raises the following issues: l. Did the applicant bring the application out of time? 2. If the applicant did not bring the application out of time, did the applicant fail to exhaust adequate alternate remedies?

3. Did the CSC fail to consult with imnates when deciding to allow Home Hardware to charge mark-ups to inmates?

4. Does the Court have jurisdiction to determine whether the CSC violated subsection 45( 1) of the Competin'on A ct?

5. Is the CSC's decision to allow Home Hardware to charge mark-ups to inmates contrary to section 15 of the Canadian Charter ofR ights and Freedoms?

r.Q;:./~4 Page: 4 A.l'll'ALYSIS [7] The respondent, in its oral argument, first addressed the t\VO substantive issues, which the Court has considered below. Then. a second counsel for the respondent raised significant procedural objections to the Court assuming jurisdiction because this application is brought out of time and because the applicant failed to exhaust adequate alternative remedies. I will first address the procedural objections.

PROCEDURAL lsSUES Issue Nol: Did the applicant bring the application out of time? (8J With respect to the first proce.dural objection, the respondent argues that this application for judicial review has been brought out of time and that the Court accordingly has no jurisdiction to review the CSC's decision allowing Home Hardware to charge mark-ups to Fenbrook's inmates. Subsection 18.1(2) of the Federal Courts Act provides as follows: JURlSDICTION OF FEDERAL COURT [. . J Application for judicial review 18.l [ ... ) Time limitation (2) An application for judJcial review in respect of a decision or an order of a f ed.eral board, commission or other tribunal shall be made within 30 days after the time the decision or order was first communicated by the federal board, commission or other tribunal to che office of the Deputy Attorney General of Canada or to the party directly affected by it, or

COMPETENCE DE LACOUR FEDERALE [ .. J Demande de contrde judiciaire 18.1 [ .. .] Delai de presentation (2) Les demandes de controle judiciaire sont a presenter dans les trente jours qui suivent la premiere communication, par l'office federal, de sa dibc:ision ou de son r1:d<:,.J,e:nce au bureau du sous-procureur general du Canada OU a la partie concemee, ou da.ns le delai supplementaire qu'un juge de la Cour federale peut, avant ou apres l'expiration de ces trente

within any further time that a judge of the Federal Court may fix or allow before or after the end of those 30 days.

[9] Under cross~examination on January 23, 2006, the applicant stated that the CSC's decision to allow mark-ups was conununicated to him in April 2003: Q. And when did you personally find out that CSC would be charging a markup?

A. \Vhen I anived here. Q. And what year was that? A. That wouJd have been April, 2003. Accordingly, subsection 18(2) of the Federal Courts Act requires that the applicant file an application for judicial review by May 2003. The Notice of Application was filed on August 23, 2005. [IOJ The Federal Court of Appe'al held in Krause v. Canada, f 1999} 2 F.C. 476, that the 30 day time limit for bringing an application for judicial review tmder subsection 18.1(2) oft.he Federal Courts A.ct does not apply where there is no specific decision or order being challenged but rather an ongoing course of allegedly illegal conduct In this case, the Applicant sought declarations that the CSC violated subsection 45(1) of the Competition Act and section 74 of the Corrections and Conditional Release A.ct. Such declarations would have the effect of preventing the CSC from continuing its alleged ongoing course of illegal conduct per Krause. Accordingly, I am satisfied that the time limit under subse.ction 18.1(2) would not apply.

Page: 5 jours, fixer ou accorder.

Page: 6 Issue No. l: Did the applicant faU to exhaust adequate alternate remedies? [l l] With respect to the second procedural objection, the respondent argues that the Court ought not to review the CSC's decision in 2000 to contract with Home Hard.ware for purchase procurement services on the basis that the applicant has not exhausted adequate alternative remedies before seeking ajuclicial review. [12] The applicant argues that, where the legality of the CSC's decision is in question, it is naive to expect the grievance commissioner to vindicate the inmates' position since doing so would be admitting illegal activity. Forcing the inmates to exhaust options in a flawed system, it is argued, is forcing inmates disaffected by the CSC's allegedly unlawful act to endure more illegality until the matter is eventually brought to Court. [1 3] I agree with the respondent's submissions that the proper course is for the applicant to follow the statutorily~m::..r;dated grievance process. In this regard, I adopt the statements of Mr. Justice Rothstein (as he then was) in Giesbrecht v. Canada (1998), 148 F.T.R. 81 at 84, [1998] F.CJ. No. 621 (QL) at paragraph 10: On its face, the legislative scheme providing for grievances is an adequate alternative remedy ta judicial review. Grievances are to be handled expeditiously and time limits are provided in the Com...-nissi:Jner's Directives. There is no suggestion that the process is costly. Ifa nything it is less costly than judicial review and more simple and straightforward. Through the grievance procedure an inmate may appeal a decision on the merits and an appeal tribuna.I may substitute its decision for that of the tribunal appealed from. Judicial review does not deal with the metitu1.nd a favourabl~ result to an inmate would£:{l)'. return the matter for redetermination to the tribt.:J1&!3pp~ed from.

[Ernphasi.s added}

Page: 7 [14] Accordingly, I would dismiss the application for failure to exhaust alternate remedies. If the Applicant seeks to challenge the manner in which his grievance issues have been decided, he may bring an application for j uclicial review of the third level grievance decision.

SUBSTANTIVE lsSUES ( l 5J IfI am incorrect in concluding that this application must fail for failure by the applicant to exhaust adequate alternate remedies, I would dismiss the application on its merits for the reasons below.

Issue No. 3: Did the CSC fail to consult with inmates when deciding to aJJow Home Hardware to charge mark-ups to inmates?

[16) The applicant submits that the CSC breached its duty under section 74 of the Corrections and Contlirional Relerue Act to provide inmates with the opportunity to contribute to the decision of the CSC that Home Hardware would be pennitted to charge a mark-up on retail goods purchased by the inmate population. Section 74 of the Correc1io11s and Conditional Release Act provides: GENERAL -LMNG CONDITIONS CONDmONS DE DETENTION [. . J [. . J Inmate input into decisions Participation aux decisions 74. The Service shall provide inmates with the 74. Le Service doit permettre aux detenus de opportunity to contribute to decisions of the participer a ses decisions concernant tout ou Service affecting the in.mate population as a partie de la population carcerale, sauf pour 1cs whole. or affecting a group within the inmate questions de securite. population, except decisions relating to security matters.

[ l 7] Counsel for the respondent has referred the Court to extensive evidence from senior CSC officers at Penbrook that the Penbrook 1runate Committee was extensively consulted about this practice. There is a memo in the evidence from the Chair of the Inmate Committee, dated May 8,

Page: 8 2000, to the Assistant Warden expressing the inmates' concern that they have to pay a mark-up over the advertised price for retail items. In the Affidavit of William Gladue, the Assistant Warden at Penbrook, Mr. Gladue details the many dates on which he met the Irunate Committee to consult about their concerns with the Home Hardware contract.

[18] The applicant submits that these consultations were not meaningful because Penbrook bad already entered into the contract with Home Hardware. With respect1 the Home Hardware contract provides for a semi-annual negotiation of the rate of mark-up, so the input from inmates could be considered as the contract is continually renegotiated,

fl 9J 111e Court is satisfied that the evidence demonstrates that the CSC received regular input from the in.mates about their concerns with the privatized irunMe purchasing service. Acc,ordingly, the CSC has not breached its duty to consult under s. 74 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.

Issue No. 4: Does the Court have jorisdicdon to determine whether the CSC violated subsection 45(1} of the Competition Ad?

(20] The second substantive issue is that the applicant seeks a declaration that the Correctional Service of Canada conspired with Home Hardware to restrain competition in violation of subsection 45( I) of the Competition Ac!. The respondent argues that the Federal Court has no jurisdiction to declare that a person has violated a criminal statute, particularly based on affidavit evidence in the context of a judicial review.

p. l(J/24 Page: 9

[21} The respondent relies on subsection 67(3) of the Competition Act as authority for its position: PART VII OTHER OFFENCES [ ... ) Procedure Procedure for enforcing punishment 67. [ ... J Jurisdiction of cowts (3) No court other than a superior court of crim.ina1 jurisdiction. as defined in the Criminal Code, has power to try any offence under section 45, 46, 47, 48 or49. [22) The Criminal Code, in turn, defines a "superior court of criminal jurisdiction" as follows: INTERPRETATION Definitions 2. In this Act, [ ... ) "superior court of criminal jurisdiction" means (a) in the Province of Ontario, the Court of Appeal or the Superior Court ofJ ustice, (b) in the Province ofQuebe.c, the Superior Court, (c) in the Province of Prince Edward Island, the Supreme Court, (d) in the Provinces ofNl'W Brunswick, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the Court of Appeal or the Court of Queen's Bench. (e) in the Provinces of Nova Scotia, British Columbia and Newfoundland, the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeal, (j) in Yukon. the Supreme Court, (g) in the Northwest Territories, the Supreme fJ au Yukon, la Cour supreme~ Court, and g) dans les Tenitoires du Nord-Ouest, la Cour (h) in Nunavut, the Nunavut Court of Justice; h) dans le territoire du Nunavut, la Cour de justice du Nunavut

PARTIE VII AUTRES JNFRACTIONS [ .. .] Procedure Choix de l'inculpe 67. [. .. J Competence des tribunaux (3) Nul tribunal autre qu'une cour supmeure de juridic.tion criminelle, au sens du Code criminel, n'a le pouvoir de juger une infraction 'Visee a II article 45' 46, 47, 48 OU 49. DEFINITIONS ET INTERPRETATION Definitions 2. Les defi::..itions qui suivent s'appliquent al a prlsti.:te loi. [ ... ) « cour superieure dejuridiction criminelle » a) Dans la province d'Ontario, la Cour d'appel ou la Cour superieure de justice; b) dans la province de Quebec, la Cour superieure; c) dans la province de l'Ile-du-Prince~Edouard, la Cour supreme; d) clans les provinces du Nouveau-Brunswick, du Manitoba, de la Saskatchewan et d' Alberta, la Cour d'appel ou la Cour du Banc de la Reine; e) dans les provinces de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, de la Colombie-Britannique et de Terre.Neuve, la Cour supreme ou la Cour d'appel; supreme;

P. 11.'24 Page: 10 [23) The Criminal Code's exhaustive definition, \lr'hich is incorporated by reference in the Competi'fion Act, does not include the Federal Court. Given the combined effect of section 67 of the Competition Act and section 2 of the Criminal Code, the federal Court does not have jurisdiction to try offences under section 45 of the Compelirion Act. The proper venue for prosecuting such an offence is a provincial superior court included within the Criminal Code definition. [24] Accordingly, the Court concludes that it does not have jurisdiction to determine whether the CSC breached section 45 of the Competilion Act with respect to conspiring or agreeing with another person to lessen competition.

Issue No. 5: Is the CSC's decision to allow retailers to charge mark-ups to inniates contrary to section 15 of the Cww.dian Cha11er ofRiglt1s and Frtedoms?

[15] The applicant also made a Charter argument, which the Court has determined it cannot consider on this application record. The applicant argued that the CS C's decision to allow retailers to charge mark-ups to imnates is discriminatory in its effect on Inuit irunates at Fenbrook and therefore contrary to section 15 of the Canadian Charter ofR ights and Freedoms. The thrust of his argument is that, since Penbrook uniquely offers spe<:ia1 programming for Inuit offenders, the ilnposition of a mark-up on purchases including hobbycra.ft items has a disproportionately ad.verse effect on Inuit inmates at Fenbrook in violation of the equality guarantee under section 15 of the Charter. The applicant did not raise this issue in his Notice of Application and provided no evidence or analysis supporting his claim under subsection I 5(1 ). Nor has the applicant suggested that he personally suffers from discrimination, as he is not Inuit. The Court cannot render a decision on a Charter issue without a proper record on which to adjudicate the claim. Accordingly, the Court cannot consider the applicant's challenge of the CSC's decision based on equality grounds.


[26} For the foregoing reasons, this application must be dismissed. However, as indicated at the hearing, the Court understands why the applicant and the other irunates at Penbrook are concerned that they pay a mark-up on some of their personal retail purchases, unlike inmates at every other federal institution. The inmates' concern is compounded by the fact that they earn very little for working in the penitentiary and thus have little disposable income. [27] There will be no order as to costs.

r'.12'24 Page: 11

Page: 12 JUDG1\1ENT THIS COURT ADJUDGES AND DECLARES that: This application for a declaration is dismissed.

"Michael A Kelen" Judge

APPENDIX "A" I. Charter o(Righ1s a.t1d Fre~::!::'~ EQUALITY RIGHTS Equality bdore and under law and equal protection and benefit of law 15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and. in particular, without discri.mi.narion based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

2. Compt.'t'itlim A.ct, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-34 PART VI OFFENCES IN RELATION TO COMPETITION Con.spiracy 45. (1) Every one who conspires, combines, agrees or arranges with another person (a) to limit unduly the facilities for transporting, producing, manufacturing, supplying, storing or dealing in any product, (b) to prevent, limit or lessen, unduly, the manufacture or production of a product or to enhance unreasonably the price thereof, (c) to prevent or lessen, unduly, competition in the production, manufacture, pUIChase, barter, sale, &torage1 rental, transportation or supply of a product, or in the price of insurance on persons or property, or (d') to otherwise restrain or injure c.ompetition unduly, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding .five years or to a fine not exceeding ten million produit, ou dans le prix d'assurances sur les dollars or to both. personnes ou les biens; d') soit, de toute autre fayon, pour restreindre,

Page: 13 DROITS AL 'EGALITE F1::tlit~ devant la loi, ega.lite de benefice et protection egale de la loi 15. (1) La loi ne fait acception de personne et s'applique ega.lernent at ous, et tous ont droit al a merne protection et au meme benefice de la Joi, i:tdep;;;r,Jarnment de toute discrimination, notamment des discriminations fondees sur la race, l'origine nationale ou ethnique, la couleur, la religion, le sexe, l'age ou les deficiences mentales ou physiques.

PART.IE VI INFRACTIONS RELATIVES AL A CONCURRENCE Coruplot 45. {l) Cornmet un acte crimlnel et encourt un emprisonnement maximal de cinq ans et une amende maximale de d.ix millions de dollars, ou l'une de ces peines, quiconque complote, se co.alise ou condut un accord ou arrangement avec une autre personne : a) soit pour limiter, indU:ment, les facilites de transport, de production, de fabrication. de foumiture, d'emm3gasinage OU de negoce d'un produit quelconque; b) soit pour empecher, limiter ou reduire, indilment, la fabrication ou production d 'un produit OU pour en elever deraisonnablernent Je pnx:; c) soit pour emp~her ou reduire, indUm.ent, la concurrence dans la production, la fabrication, l'achat, le troc, la vente, l'entreposage, la location, 1e transport ou la foumiture d'un

Idem (2) For greater certainty, in establishing that a conspiracy, combination. :-,..,..,,:~·;,c:'.t or

arrangement is in eontravention of subsection ( 1) , it shall not be r' · ·• ~ JY to prove that the conspiracy, combination, agreexnentor arranec.nent, if carried into effect, would or would be Likely to eliminate, completely or virtually, competition in the market to which it relates or that it was the object of any or all of the parties thereto to eliminate, completely or virtually, competition in that market Evidence of conspiracy (2.1) In a prosecution under subsection (I), the court may '.r.fe r the existence of a conspiracy, combination, agrei::m..:nt or arrangement from circumstantial evidence, with or \Vithout direct evidence of communication bel'>.·1'en or among the alleged partir!l the!'cW, but, for gre<tt{.'r certainty, the conspiracy, combination, agreement or arrangement must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Proof of intent (2.2) For greater certainty, in establishing that a conspiracy, combination, agreement or arrangement is in contravention of subsection ( 1) , it is necessary to prove that the parties thereto intended to and did enter into the conspiracy, cambination., agreement or arrangement, but it is not ne::e!.sary to prove that the parties intended that the conspiracy, combination, agreement or arrangement have an effect set out in subsection (1). Defence (3) Subject to subsection (4), in a prosecution under subsection (1 ), the court shall not convict the accused if the conspiracy, combination, agreement or an4ngement rel.ates only to one or more of the following: (a) the exchange of statistics;


Page: 14 indfunent, la concurrence ou lu.i causer un prejudice indu.

(2) 11 demeure entendu qu 'i1 n' est pas necessaire, pour etablir qu>un complot, une association d'interets, un accord ou un arrangement constitue l'une des infractions visees au paragraphe (1 ), de prouver que le complot, l'association d'interets, l'accord ou l'arrangement, s'il etait execute, eli:mlnerait OU elimi:::::r;ut vraisemblablement la concurrence, entierement ou at outes fins utiles, sur le march6 auquel il se rapporte, ni que Jes· participants, ou l'un OU plusieurs d'entre eux, visaient a eliminer la cone ;~~ce, entierement ou at outes fins utiies, sur ce marche. Preuve de complot (2.1) Lors d'une poursuite intenree en vertu du p11ragraphe (I), le tribunal peut dedmre l'exisienc~ du complot, de l'association d'irreret:::, de !'accord ou de l'arrangern~mt en se basant sur une preuve circonsfa.r..1delle, avec ou sans preuve directe de comrmmication entre les presumees parties au complot, a! 'association d'interets, aJ 'accord OU al 'arra.'1gement, mais il demeure entendu que Je complot, I' association d'interets, I'a ccord ou l 'arrangement doit etre prouve hors de tout doute raisonnable. Preuve d'lntendon (2.2) II :ii:rneure entendu qu'il est nb::essaire, afin d'etablir qu'un ccmplot, une association d'interets, un accord ou un arrangement constitue l'une des infractions visees au paragraphe (I), de prouver que les parties avaient I 'intention de participer ace ,:-rm:p!ot, cette association d'interets, cet accord ou cet arrangement et y ont participe mais qu'il n'est pas necessaire de prouver que Jes parties avaient !'intention que le complot, ]'association d'interets, !'accord ou l'arrangement ait l'un des effets vises au paragraphe (I). Defense (3) Sous reserve du paragraphe (4), dans des

r". lb/24 Page: 15 (b) the defining of product standards; poursuites intentees en vertu du paragraphe (1 ), (c) the exchange of credit information; le tribunal ne peut declarer 1'accuse coupable si le complot, !'association d'interets, l'accord ou (d'J the definition of terminology used in a trade, I' arra::: gcment se ratt.ache exclusivement a 1' un industry or profession; ou plusieurs des actes suivants : (e) cooperation in research and development; a) I' echange de donnees statistiques; (j) the restriction of advertising or promotion, b) la definition de nonnes de produits; other than a discr:~ 1 :'.!L::ory restriction directed against a member of the mass c) r echange de renseignements sur le credit; m~ the sizes or shapes of the containers in which d) la definition de tennes utilises dans un (g) an article is packaged; commerce, une industrie ou une profession; (h) the adoption of the metric system of weights e) la collaboration en matiere de recherches et de and measures; or m.ise en valeur; (1) measures to protect the environment. j) la restriction de la reclame OU de la promotion, a l 'exclusion d 'une restriction discriminatoire Exception visant un representant des medias; (4) Subsection (3) does not apply if the g) la taille ou la forme des emballages d'un . conspiracy, combi..::acion, agreement or article; arrangement has 1es~~m::d or is likely to lessen h) radoption du systeme metrique pour le.s poids competition unduly in respect of one of the etmesures; following: i) Jes mesures visant ap roteger l' environnement. (a) prices,

(b) quantity or quality of production. Exception (c) markets or customers, or (4) Le paragraphe (3) ne s'applique pas si le complot, l'association d'interets, l'accord au (d} charmels or methods of distribution, !'arrangement a reduit OU reduira or if the conspiracy, combination, agreement or vraisemblablement et indfunent la concurrence a arrangement has restricted or is likely to restrict I1 egard de l 'un des sujets suivants : any person from entering into or expanding a a) Ies prix; business in a trade, industry or profession. b) la quantite ou la qualite de la production; Defence c) les marches ou les clients; (5) Subject to subsection (6), in a prosecution cf) les voies OU les methodes de distribution, under subsection (1) the court shall not convict the accused if the conspiracy, combination, ou si le complot, !'association d'interets, agreement or arrangement relates only to the I' accord ou I'a rrangement a restre1nt ou export of products from Canada. restreindra. vraisemblablement Jes possibilites pour une personne d' entrer dans un commerce, Exception une industrie ou une profession ou d'accroitre une entreprise commerciale, industrielle ou (6) Subsection (5) does not apply ift he professionnelle. conspiracy, combination, agreement or arrangement Defense

Page: 15 (b) the defining of product standards; poursuites intentees en vertu du paragraphe (1 ), (c) the exchange of cre<lit information; le tribunal ne peut declarer I' accuse coupable si le complot, l'association d'interets, !'accord ou (d') the definition of terminology used in a trade, l'affi!r.gcment se rauache exclusivement al 'un industry or profession; ou plusieurs des actes suivants : (e) cooperation in research and development; a) l'echa.nge de donnees statistiques; (/) the restriction of advertising or promotion, b) la definition de nonnes de produits; other than a discrii::i.ri.::ory restriction directed against a member of the mass media; c) I' echange de renseignements sur le credit~ (g) the sizes or shapes of the containers in which d) la definition de termes utilises dans un an article is packaged; commerce, une industrie ou une profession; (h) the adoption of the metric system ofw eights e) la collaboration en matiere de recherches et de and measures; or mise en valeur; (1) measures to protect the environment. j) la restriction de la riclame ou de la promotion, al' exclusion d'une restriction discriminatoire Exception visant un representant des; (4 ) Subsection (3) does not apply if the g) la taille ou la forme des emballages d 'un . conspiracy, con-,bba:ion, agreement or article; arrangement has 1e:;.~'t>rtt:d or is likely to lessen h) I' adoption du systeme metrique pour les poids competition unduly in respect of one of the etmesures; following: i) Jes mesures vis.ant ap roteger l'environnement. (a} prices1 ( b) quantity or quality of production, Exception ( c) markets or customers, or (4) Le paragraphe (3) ne s'applique pas si le complot, !'association d'interets, l'accord ou (d) channels or methods of distribution, !'arrangement a teduit OU rrouira or if the conspiracy, combination, agreement or vraisemblablement et indfunent la concurrence a arrangement has restricted or is likely to restrict p egard de l'un des sujets suivants : any person from entering into or expanding a a) les prixi business in a trade, industry or profession. b) la quantitc ou la qualite de la production; Defe n re c} Jes marches ou les clients; (5) Subject to subsection (6), in a prosecution dJ les Voies OU les methodes de distribution, under subsection (l) the court shall not convict the accused if the conspiracy, combination, ou si le complot, !'association d'interets, agreement or arrangement relates only to the J'accord ou !'arrangement a restreint au export of products from Canada. restreindra vraisemb!ablement les possibilites pour une personne d' entrer dans un commerce, Exception une industrie ou une profession ou d'accrottre une entreprise commerciale, industrielle ou (6) Subsection (5) does not apply if the profe ssionne!le. conspiracy, combination, agreement or arrangement Defense

(a) has resulted in or is likely to result in a reduction or limitation of the real value of exports ofa product; has restricted or is likely to restrict any (b) person from entering into or expanding the business of exporting products from Canada; or (c) has prevented or lessened or is likely to prevent or lessen competition unduly in the supply of services facilitating the export of products from Canada (d) [Repealed, R.S., 1985, c. 19 (2nd Supp.), s. 30] Defences (7) In a prosecution under subsection (1 ), the court shall not convict the accused if it finds that the conspiracy, combination, agreement or arrangement relates only to a service and to standards oft ompetence-a.nd-integrity that are reasonably necessary for the protection of the public (a) in the practice of a trade or profession relating to the service; or (b) in the collection and dissemination of information relating to the service. Exception (7 .1) Subsection ( l) does not apply in respect of an agreement or arrangement between federal financial institutions that is described in subsection 49(1). criteres d'integrite raisonnablement necessaires Exception al a protection du public : (8) Subsection (1) does not apply in respect of a a) soit dans l'exercice d'un metier OU d'une conspiracy, combination, agreement or profession rattaches ac e service; arrangement that is entered into only by companies each of which is, in respect of every b) soit dans la collecte et la diffusion de one of the others, an affiliate_ I 'infonnarion se rapportant ace service. [ ... ] Exception PART VII (7.1) Le paragraphe (1) ne s'appliquepas a un OTHER OFFENCES accord ou au n arrangement vise au paragraphe (" ] 49(1} lorsque cet accord ou arrangement a lieu .

P. 17/24 Page: 16 (5) Sous reserve du paragraphe (6), dans des poursuites intentees en vertu du paragraphe (1), le tribunal ne peut declarer l 'accuse coupab le si le complot, l 'association d'intems, !'accord ou l'anangement se rattache exclusivement a l'expomtion de produits du Canada. Exception (6) Le paragraphe (5) ne s'applique pas si le complot, l'association d'inttrets, I'accord au l' arrangement, selon le cas : a) a eu pour resultat ou aura vraisemblablement pour resultat une reduction OU une limitation de la valeur reelle des exportations d "t.m produit; b) a restreint ou restreindra vraisemblablement les possibilites pour une personne d' entrer clans le commerce d'exportation de produits du Canada ou de developper un tel commerce; . ·' c)-a etnpeche ou diminue la concurrence indfunent dans la fournjrure de services visant a promouvoir l 'exportation de produits du Canada, ou aura vraisemblab!er:1ent un tel effet. cf] (Abroge1 L.R (19&5), ch. 19 (2e suppl.), art. 30] Moyens de defense (7) Dans les poursuites intentees en vertu du paragraphe (l ), le tribunal ne peut declarer !'accuse coupable s'il conclut que le c.omplot, I' association d 'interets, l' accord o u l'arra.ngemem se rattache exclusivement au n service et a des nonnes de competence et des

Page: 16 (a) has resulted in or is likely to result in a (5) Sous reserve du paragraphe (6), dans des reduction or limitation of the real value of poursuites intentees en vertu du paragraphe (1), exports ofa product; le tnbunal ne peut declarer I' accuse coupab le s1 has restricted or is 1ikely to restrict any le cc:>mplot, l'association d>intems, !'accord ou (b) person from entering into or expanding the !'arrangement se rattache exclusivement a business of exporting products from Canada; or !'exportation de produits du Canada. (c) has prevented or lessened or is likely to Exception prevent or lessen competition unduly in the (6) Le paragraphe (5) ne s'applique pas si le supply of services facilitating the export of complot, I' association d'interets, 1'accord ou products from Canada. !'arrangement, selon le cas: (tf) [Repealed, RS., 1985, c. 19 (2nd Supp.), s. a) a eu pour resultat ou aura vraisemblablement 30] pour resultat une reduction OU une limitation de la valeur reelle des exportations d' un produit; Defences b) a restreint ou restreindra vrai.semblablement (7) In a prosecution under subsection (1), the les possibllites pour une personne d'entrer dans court shall not convict the accused if it finds that le commerce d'exportation de produits du the c.onspiracy, combination, agreement or Canada ou de developper un tel commerce; arrangement relates only to a service and to . standards of~ ornpetence and-integrity that are eta etnpecM ou diminue la concurrence reasonably necessary for the protection of the indtiment dans la foumiture de services visant a public promouvoir I 'ex}X>rtation de produits du Canada, ou aura vraisemblablernent un tel effet. (a) in the practice of a trade or profession relating to the service; or d) (Abroge, LR (1985), ch. 19 (2e suppl.), art. 30] (b) in the collection and dissemination of infonnation relating to the service. Moy ens de defense Exception (7) Dans les poursuites intentees en vertu du paragraphe (1 ), le tribunal ne peut declarer (7 .1) Subsection ( l) does not apply in respect of raccuse coupable s'il conciut que le complot, an agreement or arrangement betvreen federal l' association d 'interets, l' accord o u financial institutions that is descnoed in l'arrangernent se rattache exclusivement au n subsection 49( 1) . service et ad es normes de competence et des crit~res d'integrite raisonnablement necessaires Exception a la protection du public : (8 ) Subsection ( l) does not apply in respect of a a) SOit dans l'exercice d'un metier OU d'une conspiracy, combination, agreement or profession rattach6s ace service; arrangement that is entered into only by companies each of which is, in respect of every b) soit dans la collecte et la diffusion de one of the others, an affiliate. !'information se rapportant ace service. [ ... ] Exception PARTVIl (7.1) Le paragraphe (1) ne s'applique pas a un OTHER OFFENCES accord ou au n arrangement vise au paragraphe ( .. .] 49(1) lorsque cet ae<:ord ou arrangement a lieu

I Procedure for enforcing punishment 61. [ .. .] Jurisdiction of courts (3) No court other than a superior court of criminal jurisdiction, as defined in the Criminal Code, has power to try any offence under section 45, 46, 47, 48 or 49.

Choix de l'ioculpe 67. [ •.. J Compelatce des tribunaux (3) Nul tribunal autre qu'une cour superieure de jurid.iction criminelle, au sens du Code criminel, n'a le pouvoir de juger une infraction visee a !'article 45, 46, 47, 48 OU 49.

3. Correcti.ons and Conditional Release Act, S.C. 1992, c. 20 GENERAL - LIVING CONDITTONS CONDITIONS DE DETENTION [ ... ] [. .. J Inmate input into decisions Participatiou aux decisions 74. The Service shall provide inmates with the 74. Le Service doit pennettre aux detenus de opportunity to contribute to decisions of the participer a ses decisions concernanr tout ou Service affecting the inmate population as a partie de la population carcerale, sauf pour Ies whole, or affecting a group wi1hin the inmate questions de securite. population, except decisions relating to [ ... ) security matters. ( ... ) GRIEFS Procedure de rf:glement GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 90. Est etablie, coniormement aux reglements Grievance procedure d'application de ralinea 96u), une procedure de 90. There shall be a procedure for fairly and reglementjuste et exped.itif des griefs des expeditiously resolving offenders' grievances on Jehnquants sur des questions relevant du matters within the jurisdiction of the commissaire. Commissioner, and the procedure shall operate Acces a la procedure de reglement des griefs in accordance with the regulations made under

Page: 17 entre des institutions financieres fooera.les. Exception (8) Le paragraphe (I) ne s'applique pas a un complot, une association d'interets, un accord ou un arrangement intervenu exclusivement entre des personnes morales qui, con , .: rees individuellcment. sont des a.ffiliees de chacune des autres personnes morales en question. PARTIE VII AUTRES INFRACTIONS ( ... }

P.19/24 Page: 18

paragraph 96(u). Access to grievance procedure 91. Every offender sha11 have complete access to

the oi:''t;J o:r grievance procedure without negative consequences.

4.. Corrections and CondiJJonal Release Reg 11 i'.; [1,;11 ~, S.O.R/92-620 OFFENDER GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE

74. (1) Where an offender is dissatisfied with an action or a decision by a staff member, the offender may submit a written complaint, preferably in the form provided by the Service, to the supervisor of that staff member. (2) Where a complaint is submitted pursuant to subsection (1 ), every effort shall be made by staff members and the offender to resolve the matter infor:mlly :_i.Ju:itP discussion. (3) Subject to subsections (4) and (5), a supervisor shall review a Ct:irr:pl;ilnt and give the offender a copy of the supervisor's decision as soon as practicable after the offender submits the complaint. (4 ) A supervisor may re.fuse to review a complaint submitted pursuant to subsection (1) where, in the opinion of the supervisor, the complaint is frivolous or vexatious or is not made in good faith. (5) Where a supervisor refuses to review a complaint pursuant to subsection (4 ), the supervisor shall give the offender a copy of the supervisor's decision., including the reasons for the decision, as soon as practicable after the offender submits the complaint. 75. Where a supervisor refuses to review a complaint pursuant to subsection 74(4) or where an offender is not satisfied with the decision of a supervisor referred to in subsection 74(3), the offender may submit a written grievance, fonn preferably in the provided by the Service, (a) to the institutional head or to the director of

91. Tout delinquant doit, sans crainte de represailles, avoir libre acces a la procedure de rcglement des griefs.


74. (1) Lorsqu'il est insatisfait d'une action ou d'une decision de l'agent, le delinquant peut presenter W1e plainte au superieur de cet agent, par ecrit et de preference sur une fonnule foumie par le Service. (2) Les agents et le delinquant qui a presente une plainte confomfement au par:ig,irar>lie (1) doivent premlr,;: toutes les mesures utiles pour regler la question de fayon informelle. (3) Sous reserve des paragraphes (4) et (5), le supeneur doit examiner la plainte et fournir copie de sa decision au delinquant aussit6t que possible apres que celui·ci a presente sa plainte. (4) Le supeneur peut refuser d'examiner une plainte presentee confonnement au paragraphe (l) si, as on avis, la plainte est futile ou vexatoire ou n'est pas faite de bonne foi. (5) Lorsque, confonnement au paragraphe (4), le supeneur refuse d 1 examiner une plainte, il doit foumir au delinquant une copie de sa decision rnotivee aussitot que possible apres que celui-ci a presente sa plainte. 75. Lorsque, conformement au paragraphe 74(4), le superieur refuse d'examiner la plainte ou que la decision visee au paragraph,.! 74(3) ne sacisfait pas le delinquant, celui,d peut presenter un grief, par ecrit et de preference sur une formule foumie par le Service : a) soit au directeur du penitencier ou au directeur de district des liberations conditionnelles, selon le cas;

the parole district, as the case may be; or (b) where the institutional head or director is the subject of the grievance, to the head of the region. 76. (1) The institutional head, director of the parole district or head of the region, as the case may be, shall review a grievance to detennine whether the subject-matter of the grievance falls · jurisdiction within the oft he Service. (2) Where the subject-matter of a grievance does not fall within the jurisdiction of the Service ' the person is reviewing the pursuant who grievance to subsection shall advise the offender in (1) v.-'riting and inform the offender of any other means ofredress available. In the case of an inmate's grievance, 77. (1) where there is an inmate grievance committee in the penitentiary, the institutional head may refer - the gnevance to c:o1-:i:Clittee. that (2) An in.'!late grievance conunittee shall submit

its rewmmeneations re£pc:::ting an inmate's to the institutional head as soon as grievance practicable after the grievance is refe rred to the committee. (3) The institutional head shall give the inmate a copy of the institutional head's decision as soon as practicable after receiving the recommendations of the inmate grievance committee. 78. The person who is reviewing a grievance pursuant to section 75 shall give the offender a copy of the person's decision as soon as practicable after the offender submits the grievance. 79. (I) Where the insrirutional head makes a ?ecision respecting an inmate's grievance, the mm.ate may request that the institutional heatl refer the inmate's grievance to an outside review board, and the institutional head shall refer the grievance to an outside review board. (2) The outside review board shall submit its recommendations to the institutional head as soon as practicable after the grievance is referred

Page: 19 b) soit, si c'est le directeur du penitencier ou le directeur de district des liberations conditionnelles qui est mis en cause, au responsable de la region. 76. (I) Le directeur du perutencier, le directeur de district des liberations conclitionnelles ou le responsable de la region, selon le cas, doit examiner le grief afin de detenniner s'il re!eve de la competence du Service. (2) Lorsque le grief porte sur un sujet qui ne releve pas de la competence du Service, la personne qui a examine le grief confo nnement au paragraphe (1) doit en infonner le delinquant par ecrit et lui indiquer les autres recours possibles. n. (1) Dans le cas d'un griefpresente par te detenu, lorsqu'il existe un comite d'exame:: des griefs des detenus dan.sJe penitenc.ier, le- .. cfrecteU!'du periil:;nCier peut transmettre le grief ace comite.

(2) Le comite d'examen des griefs des detenus doit pdsenter au directeur ses ~ommandations au sujet du grief du detenu aussitot que possible apres en avoir etc 53.lsi. (3) Le directeur du penitencier doit remettre au detenu une copie de sa decision aussit6t que possible apres avoir r~u les recommandations du comite d'examen des griefs des detenus. 78. La personne qui examine un grief se1on !'article 75 doit remettre copie de sa decision au delinquant '!uss~tot que possible apres que le dete-nu a presente le grief 19. (1) Lorsque le directeur du penitencier rend une decision concemant le grief du detenu, celui-ci peut demander que le directeur transmette son grief au n comite exteme d'examen des griefs, et le directeur doit acceder ac ette demande. (2) Le comite externe d'cxamen des griefs doit presenter au directeur du penitencier ses recommandations au suj et du grief du detenu aussitot que possible apres en avoir ete saisi. (3) Le directeur du perutencier doit remettre au

Page: 20 I to the board. detenu une copie de sa decision aussit6t que (3) The institutional head shall give the inmate a possible apres avoir reyu les recommandations copy of the institutional head's decision as soon du comite exteme d'examen des griefs. as practicable after receiving the 80. (1) Lorsque le delinquant est insatisfait de la recommendations of the outside review board. decision rendue au sujet de son grief par le 80. ( l) Where an d:irecteur du perutencier ou par le directeur de a.ffe nder is not satisfied with a decision of the i:;.stitutional head or director of district des liberations conditionnelles, i1 peut en the parole district respecting the offender's appeler au re:-;;i::·ns""ble de la region. grievance, the offender may appeal the decision (2) Lorsque le delinquant est insatisfait de la to the head of the region. decision rendue au sujet de son grief par le (2) W'here an offender is not satis£ed with the responsable de: la region, il peut en appeler au decision of the head of the region respecting the commissaire. cffenders grievance, the offender may appeal (3) Le responsable de la region ou le the decision to the Commissioner. commissaire. selon le cas, doit transmettre au (3) The of the region or the Commissioner, d6linquant c.opie de sa decision rnotivee aussitot as the case may be, shall give the offe nder a que possible apres que le delinquant a interj ere copy of the head of the region's or appel. Commissioner's decision, including the reasons 81. (I) Lorsque le de1inqaant decide deprendre _furtheriedsion, as soon as practicable after the un recours judiciaire concemant sa plainte ou 1Jtfoncier submits an appeal. son grief, en plus de presenter une plainte ou un 81. (1) Where an offender decides to pursue a grief selon la procedure prevue dans le present h.:gal remedy for the offender 1 s comp1aint or reg!emen~ }'exa:m;;n de la plainte OU du grief grieva.'1Ce in addition to the complaint and conformement au present reglement est 1 grievance procedure refe rred to in these suspendujusquac e qu'une decision ait ete Regulations, the review of the complaint or rendue dans le recours judiciaire ou que le grievance pursuant to these Regulations shall be detenu s'en desiste. deferred until a decision on the alternate remedy (2) Lorsque l'examen de la plainte ou au grief est is rendered or the offender decides to abandon suspendu conformement au paragraphe (1 ), la the alternate remedy. personne chargee de cet examen doit en (2) Where the review of a complaint or infonner le deJinquant par ecnt. grievance is deferred pursuant to subsection (1 ), 82. Lors de )'examen de la plainte ou du grief. la the person who is reviewing the complaint or personne ch!I"gee de cet examen doit tenir grievance shall give the offender written notice compte: of the decisfon to defer the review. a) des mesures prises par les agents et le 82. In reviewing an offe nder's complaint or delinquant pour regler la question sur Iaquelle grievance, the person reviewing the complaint or porte la plainte ou le grief et des grievance shall take into consideration recommandations en deooulant; (a) any efforts made by staff members and the b) des recornmandations faites par le comite offender to resolve the compla:.nt or grievance, d'examen des griefs des detenus et par le comite and any recommendations resulting therefrom; externe d'examen des griefs; (b) any recommendations made by an inmate c) de toute decision rendue dans le recours grievance committee or outside review board; vise au paragraphe 81(1).

and (c) any decision made respecting an alternate remedy referred to in subsection 81 (1 ).

5. CodeJ R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46 JNTERPRETA TION DEFINITIONS ET INTERPRETATION Definitions Dffmitions 2. ln this Act, [. .. ) 2. Les definitions qui suivent s'appliquent a la "superior court of criminal jurisdiction" means presente loi. [. .. ] « cour superieure de juridiction criminelie » (a) in the Province of Ontario, the Court of a) Dans la province d'Ontario, la Cour d'appel Appeal or the Superior Court of Justice, ou la Cour superieure de justice; (b) in the Province of Quebec, the Superior b) dans la province de Quebec, la Cour Court, superieure; (c) in the Province of Prince Edward Island, the c) dans la province de l'Ile-du-Prince-.Edouard, Supreme Court, fa:Coilr ~t~pr·:~Tn.e; · --(<!)in the Provinces of New Brunswick, d) dans les provinces du Nouveau-Brunswick. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the Court du Manitoba, de la Saskatchewan et d' Alberta, of Appeal or the Court ofQu~n's Bench, la Cour d' appel ou la Cour du Banc de la Reine; (e) in the Provinces of Nova Scotia, British e) dans les provinces de la NouvelJe-Ecosse, de Columbia and Newfoundland, the Supreme la Colombie-Britannique et de Terre-Neuve, Ia Court or the Court of Appeal, Cot.11' supreme ou la Cour d'appel; (j) in Yukon. the Supreme Court, j) au Yukon, la Cour supreme; (g) in the Northwest Territories, the Supreme g) dans les Territoires du Nord-Quest, la Cour Cowt, and supreme; (h) in Nunavut, the Nunavut Court of Justice; h) dans le territoire du Nunavut, la Cour de justice du Nunavut

P.22/24 Page: 21

TR I Al DI 1J I S l ON Page: 22 6. Federal Courts Act, R.S.C.1985, c. F-7 JURJSDICTION OF FEDERAL COURT COMPETENCE DE LA COUR FEDER.ALE (. .. J [ .. .] Application for judicial review Demande de controle judiciaire 18.I ( ... ] 18.l ( ... ] Time limitation Delai de pres~ntation (2) An application for judicial review in respect (2) Les demandes de controle judiciaire sont a of a decision or an order of a federal board, presenter clans les trente jours qui suivent la commission or other tribunal shall be made premiere communication, par !'office federal, within 30 days after the time the decision or de sa decision ou de son ordonnance au bureau order was first communicated by the federal du sous--procureur general du Canada OU a la board, commission or other tribunal to the office partie conccrnee, ou clans le delai of the Deputy Attorney G::rrc:.::.l of Canada or to supplementaire qu'unjuge de la Cour federale the party directly affected by it, or within any peut, avant ou apres !'expiration de ces trente further time that a judge of the Federal Court jours, fixer ou accorder. may fix or allow before or after the end of those 30 days.



Mr. Matthew Sullivan Ms. Susan Keenan SOLICITORS OF RECQR.D: John Hill Toronto, ON John H. Sims, Q.C. Deputy Attorney General of Canada


f'-1 A I L)fi D (\lj-0-Z..- zo Government Gouverncment of Canada du Cnnndn MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (jr;1\ i.:nllurst l·lu111i.: H<lrJ\, ;1ri..: ! ! 7U Soulhgatt.: Plaz.n. Bo' 490 (jrnvcnhur~t. Ontario 1'11' ITS !\ct11 Fub..:n & 1'<1ij<1 Cl:.Jri... flC: INMATE PUJ\C:H,\SING AND CANTEEN SERVICE Com.:ct1on:d Ser-.ii.:e Cnnnda (C.S.C) n:quires your s.:rYicc:::; for thl! nblH·..:: nolt:d pro_jt.:i.:t. Period Of \Vorli. This ,\111i..:ndrn.;11t datl'd tho..· I 7'h da) of Fi ::brunry 200-l nnd continue until the .11 11 Jil> of Jul~ 200-L Statement Of Wurl, 1 l Scope or Work 2.1 I 1.1 I 3

I j j () prnvidc <l trai11111g program in thr.: skills or a pun:h:1s1ng. di..:p<lfl!ll..:111 llh.:luJ111g ri..:cord ~1..·1,:r111:; in\i.:ntur~ i.:011Lrul. pun.:ha~i11g prni.:edurl!s. ordaing prn..:i.:durl!S. CllS(tlJlh..'r Si. .: rvk..: ;1nd rdak'J sl-.lih l·:\ll.'nsi1,i.: tr:1ining in lh1.' USt.: ori.:un1puli.:rs in \Vurd and E.xi.:d Ill bt' 1.·mrhn:>ii'i.:L1

~.I h l"hi.: Co111ractor. lh1.· Contrnctnr's Slaff and tilt: in11111tt: purcha~i11g ckr\...s sh11l! rrai.:lii.:t: lhi.: h1gh.:sl st,1nciMd;; pf c~1$tomi.:r $1.!fvii.:i.: \\hik op1.·n11ing a11 t:ff1cii.:111. u1Hkr:.tamlnbl..: and C\linpr~hc11::;i\.: 1nrn;ui.: purch;ising scrYicc to ihc F1.:11tirni.1\.; ~·tedium l11s1itutiti11 n1lcn1..i1.·1 f1i.JrHd,H1v11

I J l111na1.: rnnti.:i.:n \\orkus sh;dl hi.: hiri..:d tlm111gh thc Fmrln:111i.:111 C•1lfd111atnr O!f11..:1,: ;111d in lull 1.·tinsldti1liu11 \\tth the l1111H1k Cl1t111nitti..:1.· :ind th1.· l11111;1t.: Ca111i.:1.·n (1rcr:Hur;o; ln1n;lli.:~ 11tll 11urk ;1 !"ull )5 huur 11ur!.\-111.:1.·h 11h1.:ri..: :irplii.:.ibk.

I K !"11..: Cu11lr'1i.:tor shall 1..h1 r1.·g,ular ··ri.:rfonn;rni.:c [1alu.1tiun>"" in lhi.: ..:kL"lfLll\11,.· ~_\'.'!1.'111[Hll11<.kd :i1hl :.l1~i11 rHlSl th\'.' ill!l)i\\1.' pa.1 h0tif$ ltl ll\1,.• lnm:-111.· Pa: i.:kr\...

Janet Mary ~ ...... Dlslnct M :-u"''llur, a Commissioner etc UnlClpality Of MUSkoka fo ' " Government of Canad C , r Ille Canada. Expires Januarya, ~ 2 nal Servtce of ' 011.

Government Gouvernemcnt of Canadn du Canada MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT I'! in lhl! Cnntecn orcrntinn.

2.J !O ·1u pruvidl.' on-sill.! supervision Ill nll timl!S that lhc:rc ::ire inmntl.' Hor~crs nl lhl..' siti:. lub tra111111~ instruction shnll bl.! continuous and progr~s:iive in nalurc lending 10 incrt.:11sl!d s~ills and uisb su11;1bk to tile rositions.

2 I I! ru provith: supervision or !hi! Cnntt:l!n opt:nllitln l'Onsisting or OVl!fSCl.'lllg !Iii.' opcrntinn. r~Cl..'l\'lllg and forwarding invi:nwry rcpons llf the Cuntcc::n operation. m~rni1oring tht.' rrii.:ing of cncll ca111t:i..:11 prodw.:l for compliance \Vith Corri.:l..'tio11al Savi1;c.; C;.rnaJa polit.:y. lht; Cal\ti:i:n si.1fH.:rvisor >!\;dl 1.:nsur~ 1hn1 onl} it1.:ms un the "Approved List" arl! pun.:hasc.:d by lh...: C:rnti.:cn opt:rntion.

2. 12 Ri.:t<11I pricing shnll be thr.: ot>jr.:ctivc of tilt:: lnrnati.: Purchnsing si.:n 1<.:c. !.1 Shipping charges und/or hundling: l't:t:'S will he charg~d 10 1hc inrnntc 11ith no udditinnnl 111ar~·11r I'll..: Contracwr shall :rnpply nn updatr.:U .. Surpli..:rs: List" fur all surpli..:rs 111 th..: St'l'\'11.·1.· H·i1h ;111 cllargi.:s hi·ligh11:d wh..:n.: applicnbll:. nnd noting 11·hi:r..: n:tail pni.:i.:s ari.: in i..:ff..:,:t

Hnhh) crn!'t shall bi.: snurct:d fron1 an ··Appro1 ed List"' of hobbycr:ifl 11..:111s di:v..:lopt::d hy !hi.: Conuw..:10r nnd SL1b11H!lt::d to thi.: institution for ap1m.n-i:ll. pri.;q1il

2.1 15 I 1(1 I. 17 2 I IX

2 l 2\J Sup..:rvision services to incluck hr.:illth nnd su!\.:t~ inslrut.:lHHl in llli.: op1.'ralilln or llh.' 1u1r~rl•11.·c illld thi..: sat~ and sccuri.: operation of 1ht:: ...:q11ip111!!nt rro,·it.kd

I 21 ru i..:omp!} Wl!il rill npplicablt: poJicii..:S. dtn:cti\\..'S illld inslructinn:-. ri,;l;ll1.'d Ill ~i.!l'lll"il~ itlld th1.· 1l1.'.1itll 'llld safl'ty oflhl! Wl>r~placl! as diri.:ctt:d by COl\(1\N nnd th..: rl't1brnvk tvkdiull\ lns\lll!lillll

, I 22 1 hl' f·\:nhron~ Medium ln:-.lit111io11 hu:-. m1J11;. 111nrnll! grllllflS suc!l 11s l111.' "l.11'..:r's (i1n11p" 1l1t: · IC11.·1;1I l lurmu11y Grnup". 1.'ll'. J'h,,;')t' groups \\ill pur1.·hasc lhrough l11mi1\i: t 1 uri..:hns1ng ~ind lnll\all' PurL·hnsing $hull prt)\'idc hir th...:s.: ri:qut:!>IS. If a n:lllll'Sl is nol l'cusibk. l111nah: Purl'hasing \\ill advisl! till.' lnstirntinn n!'tlh.: r..:aso11

(NEW[ 03-~NT-332-1 (OLof~CIM-C)J)(T-332 <.S'~ & ~('~·~<'.)

I his list sh:1ll h..: Retail prrc~s shall

Go;'crnment Gouvernement of' Canada du Canada MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 1.2.l l'lli.:.· Con1n1clor shnH not sublet lhi.: prl!miS(.'S. or any pilrt th.::rcor. nor u~c: lht.: same: l'rn any purpll'.'-r.: tJ!hl.'r !han rhnl stipuloti..:d. nor mnk..: nny slructur;JI altl.'rnlions. w11lwut till! ''ritli.:11 consent of COl\Ct\N. No lliird purt,v hiri::d by lht.: Contnu.:tor tu nmkt.:: u!lt.:rations \\ill hi.' rii..:rmi11i.:d without prim approvnl of the Deµnrtmcntnl Ri.:pn::sentativdPrnjcct J\uthori1y. The Cnnlrnctor shall not :wh-con!roct nny 0r nll or !his ngreemenl 10 nny puson or purl) wi1hmn !he t:'\f)l"..:~s Cl111sc:11t nr thi.: Dc11nrt1ni;11111I Rqm.:si.:nlittive/[)rojcct Authority

I he Dt.:f)<trtm<..:ntnl R<:pn::s~ntntivdProjt.::cl 1\uthurll)'. acting on bt:halr of lht.: Mi11 i~lt.:r. slrnl I suppl). 1..: 0111p lclt' und distrih11tr the S1andunj Evaluation Form dming tht: last !Cw dnys of !h1.: <.·on1rnc.:1 rcriod The Coo1rni.:10r shall bi.: ullo\\'i..:J lo n;viC\\ the cornple!l!d evnluniion nnd record nny comments. Copii.!s shall then be sc111 out to the Contr1h.:tur. Dcrrnnnh:ntnl [~i:rrcsi.:11Lf\livdProji:t.:I Authority nnd the Cnntrnuing Aut!rnrity

U:isis Of l'nymc11t .l.I

. '>.'~ )J J.J.2 S;iid nntilit:a!iun L'rlll ht: ~ilht:r verbal llr \\fillt:n. h~J\\i,;\Cf. verbal nu1it·1i.:at11.111~ nn1:,l he 1.:unt'1rmcd 111 \\ r11ing

d<.Jtl!~ nf Sl!l"\'lC\.'.: brier list ur scrv1t;c:-i prnv1dcd: GSf costs (i!"upp!ii..:nhli..:) an.: Loh~ idi..:11(i(i...:d sefHlf'al~I~ co111rnc1 1H1mhi:r: IUlU! i..:O:\l of invniCl'

(NEW) 03-~~-~-332-l (OLD)~~$~-332 '5'0-t} '5'~~~ ()( ) Government Gouverncment of Canadu du Canada MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT J.4.2 Euch invoke will be mnilt.:d lo: TITLE: Assistant \Varden Correctionnl Progrnn1s ADDRESS: Corrcctionnl Scrl'ice Cannda Fenbrook Medium Jn.stitution P.O. Bo1 5000 Denver Creek DriY~1 Grnvenhurst, Ontnrio PIP IY2 TELEl'liONI::: (705) 687-17~4 J.5 P;1~'1111.:111 b> tkr Ma_j.:~ly lhr 1h,,; \\Ork shall be m11dt: ''ithin (JO) dnys !'oll(rn111g: J.5.1 tl1,,; d~Hi.: an lll\Dit:e and suhstantiJting Jm:urn-=ntation hus bi:cn r1..·c..:1\Cd by ih..: D..:r;irt1rn:11ta\ !{q1rcsi.:ntat1 vdPru1~c1 Autl10ri1y:

J 5.2 tht! dnli: that the d~livernhks rrovidccl for undi.:r the c0nlrac1 lrnvc bt:l'n L"lllllf1letcU and ai..:i.:.:rtcL1 b) lhc Deparllncntal Rcpr~scnlalive/Projccl Authorily.

J (J

l (1 j I h.:r M;~j.:::-.1)" shall he.: liahk W pay Hilhoul dCJJHHll1 from th~ Contrat.:ln1 <.;1mr11: inl1..'rr.::->t ~ll th!..' f111n\... l{11Li.: plus 3 pl!r l'l.'lll un nny nmounl which is oven.tut: from 1h1; du.' such ;1nH>unt bi.:l.'cHni.: n'·<:rdui.: tHlli! tht: c1;1y prior to lhl.' U11tc u!' µaymc11t. inc!usivt:. Her Mnjcsty ''ill nm pa~ intcri.:st on >111 intl.'rim h11~is ;1n\l nlsu \\ill n\\I flJ~ intt:r<.:'it un i11ti..:n:~l 1Jf lln 0\1.'rcJui..: odvnl\Ci.: pR~ll11!11l~

l (i 6 ·r ht• llanl.: l~(\[I! shnll hi! tho;; nv<:rng..: f3:1nl... ()r Cannd;1 Uiscnunt 1'1111.' for th~· 11llllllh rr..:i:i.:d111g tl\1,.• d,U1,.' DI p;,1ymem.

l(>.7 ln11.:rl.'Sl shall onl~ bt: pn1cl ''hen Her M.1,ic)ty i:; ri:srionsiblc for llli.: dcla~ 111pa~1ng llh' (<l1Hr;11.:1or. !n the: t:vt:nt Ht:r f\·tujesty is n!Jl rt-sponsihh.: for lhc dda~ in µi1ying lht: ( ·nntrnl:lnr, no 1ntcri.:s1 sh~l l h..: paid.

;' I I I

Government Gouvernemcnt of Cnnltda du Cnnndn MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 3.7 Guods anJ Sc:1·viccs Tn.'< Tht Goods and SL•rvices Tax tGST) is cxclm:kd from th<: coritnH.'l prict:. Thi: Gnods and Si..:nii.:es Tax. tn thc 1.:.\l1.:11L nppli1.:abk. \\ill be into ull invoices nnd dnims nnd \\ill be r•1id by Canada. The Cornrm:tor t11ir1.:t.:s lo ln Ri:vt.:nuc: Cnnnda ~ Cus1oms und Ex.cisi:: nny GST llwl 1hc Conlrnctor recl!ivcs i"rnm Canada. pursuant to this contract. Thi.: Goods nnd Services Tnx. to the: t'..\tt.!11l npplicable. shall hi..: sho\1·n .i::i u scpa1·~1lL' itL'rn 011 111vo1ci:::s The: 1nvnic1.: shnll also inc!utk lh~ Coniracwr's GST Regis1rn1ion Numbi.:r

I ndcn1n i ncntion •1.1 Thi.: l'ontrncwr shall indemnify and suve hnrmlcss Hcr Mnji.:st) and tlll.! Ministi:r rrnm llnd ugui11:->{ nll drnm:-. ltJS~t':s. lh1111ages. costs. ~.\pcn:-;es. uctions und otht:r proccc:dings. made:. sustni11cd. brnughl. proscc1ncd. tlirca1c11ed to hi..: brought or prosecuted. in any mullni..:r bnst:ct upon. occasioned b~ or nurihurnbh.: w any injur~

10 or tlt:<1lh uf n person or dnmagt: tu or lo~s of prope11y arising from ~11)' \\.il['ul or ncglig.c1H net. omission ur Jc lay 011 lh~ part or thi..: Contrnclor. th!.! Con!mclor's servants or ng.cnts 111 rcrFor1111ng the ''ur\... or ns u ri.:"ld(

ol.!ht' 1>orJ..

rhc· Con1rnc1or sJrnJ! indemnify Her tvlajt.:~ly and the Mini~ter rrum •ill costs. chmge:-; Hild C.\pi.:nsi.:s whatsoevr.:r that Her Mujcsly sustnins or incurs in or nbout nil claims. <.H.:tions. ~u1t) and ~.HOl'et:dings for tile u":>c tir !he fr1vcn1ion 1.·lnim<:d in :.i put~n1. or infringcrn~nt or nlkged inl'ringi..:mi.=nt ur uny patent or 1111> n.:g1~tcr1.:d inJustriul dr.:sign or any copyright r~slliling from the 1:n:rfonnonce of th.: Co11trn1.:1or's ohlig:Hions und1.:r 1h1.; COlllri.lCl and in n:spc:cl of(/!<.:' U5"..' or or Jisposa! by Her Majesty or llf)_' thing fumi~hcd purswrnt lU 1h.: <.:ontr•u.:l -?, 4 J The Cuntr:.iuor·~ .!1abil!I) ~i!1~11\i~or reimburse Hi.:r Mujcs1~ und.:r tht: contract )h<1ll lllH afkct ur rr1.;1ud1i.;1,; \·kr Ma.JC~ty f'rnrn t<t~~,~~(ht:r rights unda liHL '5'19,. '5'~ c~o o Terminat1t1n or ~u~pension 0 0 ,.()~~$/ &;... 19 19 5. I I .I '·1· 11..: 1v 1111sli.:r 1~ay. b y g1 . v1 . ng noti · ce < ' t o c ,, v ." ~ " t , < .~.a~.r'5~'"r"b1~.?;,~cr,: r~1 . n ace ors~jSpl.!nc I wor" ' 11i1~ ' 1 res~~ct w :1!! nrHll) part or pans qi the work no! cumpli.!tcd. J0)}~~nr:9''J~·s nollc~ shnll be pr~n1 1di:d ii lhe c1.rn1n.1c1 lt;1.; to b...: i..:•im.:clli;:d J~g~ \0 uni;.'.\µc:ctcd changes i~igQ1" ~frV~ts or fl1ndi11g kvds.

1\ll 111>r' crnn.plctcd h) the Cn111rac1m 10 the 1n1i~~~~~,;jg. Mn,ic'I)' bcfurc the giving 01·s11ch 1w1icc sh.ill he pwd /orb~ Hi:r Mu.i..:siy in <U..'Cnrdnrn.:..: with lh..: pro · ~~fthe contr<H.:t nnd. !Or nll work nGl crnnpkl...:d h..:l{1r1..· \!11..· g1\ i"g or such nntice. l·kr Mujesty sh:tll pn · thi.: Conlrni:tnr's cnst~ as dt'lcrmin..:d under th..: prnvi~inns ot tile con!rnt:'I und. in addition. an nmo11n1 rc.pri.:sc.niing. u ;incl n.·a~onabk fl!c 111 ri::-.pct.:l or such Conll!l'I of ln{ercst \I i:-. •1 li,:r111 ul. lh1..; ClllHl"i.\\,:\ lhal no 111di,,.iJun!. fur \\hlllll thl' p11st-cmpll1ymi.:nt pru\iSi\lil~ lll° th..: Cunll1c1 ur l111t:r~st illld Pu?1-l::m11!m mcnt Codi.: !l1r Pubfji.; O!Jicc Hp!ckr~ or thr.: Con/lie! or lnri..•rt:sl apd PQ!i!-Emrhhmcnt CnJc !Ur lht: l)~1bl1c S1..T\.ll,,'.1.,.' (l[1f)I~·. sh;ill dt.•rivi.: n direct bi:ni..:lit rroin lhl) l• . 'OOlrilCl unkss. lhi1t ind1viduul jo,; in 1.:oinplianci..: \\ 1lh tht• applit..:nbk rust·t:!T1f11\lyrncn\ pn1visinns

Cuntractur Status 1h 1\ 1:-. ;1 uJ11lr•11..:t !"ur lhl.! pl.!rfurm:u1c~ of a sen ici.: ;rnd th\.' CnntnK1nr is unJa the conirw.:i us an 111d.:pi:nikn1 (.."!lnlfill"[DI rur th\.· ~olc rurpo.s...: of' providing n St.:J'\ i<.:i.: Ni::ilht:r lhe Contraclnr nor an: or 1h..: Contni...:\or's p...:rsonncl IS cnga~...:ll ll> tili.: ....:n11tnKl as an i:mployi::t:. s...:rvunl nr agt:nl of l·kr Majest~ Thi.: Co111ractor 11grces 10 be sol.:I: rc."-.poosihk !"tH an." and nll pnym~nts and/or 'kduclio11~ r...:quircd to bi:: mi.Id...: rncluding lhnsc.: r1.:i.1u11i.:d fllr C;111,1da ur ()ut'h1.:\. l".:11:-1un !1!:111~. LJ11..:mph.>ym~n1 lnsurnni..:i.:. Wurbrn:n's Conip,n:><.H1u11. ur J11c1.)111c la.\

Government Gouvernerncnt of Canada du Canada MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT !'Vlcml>cr or House orCornrnons No rncmhi..:r or the t-lousi..: or Commnns shnll be aJmill<.!d lLl any shnrc or pan 01· 1his cnntract ur lo any hcndit w nri"c thi..:n:from

Privacy 1 J I It is uni..krStnoc! and agr~cd that all inl(>rnmt1011 uhtnint:c1 nnd al! rt:(.:mds. rc:-cun.:h. wi.1r~ing rnpcrs. suhm1ss1rn1s ;ind rc:pons. r1nal or olhcn1 isc. prc:p;,m:d in connection with this i..:on11w.:t '.>h:i!I be: Sl1hmill!!d to lhi..· Mi11is1t:r/Dt:partm~n1 uncJ slrnl! be the: sole: nnd 1.!Xt:lusivc property of the Minist~r/Di:portmcnL Furthcrmon:. this inllrnnuuon shnll be suhjecl lO the npplicution of the An-rss 10 /11jOr111a11011 .·let and Pri1•w. .y 1lc1 The Con!rnc\ shall 11ot use m r~lc::isi.! this informution 11 ithout lhc \1Tittc:n consent of the Dqrnnn1c1H

9 2 !"he Pnw1c.i· ·lei applies lo all personal information rt:cnrdcd in ;,rn) fon11 h) lht: <.:ontrnclnr i11 connection \1 ith .in~ 'i..:1' il·..::-- r. .; nckn.:d pursuant to this ngrccmcnl

!O Stcurity 10.1 l'\lnu·;n:tur fH.:r:-ionn1.:I \\Im ri:quire accl'SS 10 prutectt:d information. asst:ts or sc11siti1c work s1tcs sha.11 s:.l.till ll!ild a vul1d 1:nh;1nct:d Ri:Jinhilily screc11ing. grnntctl by Com.:ctionnl Scn·icc Can;.itL1.

I 0 2 ·r he <.:nntractl)r shnll not remove nny di:signn1cd information m ass~ts from lht: 1ck111dii.:d \.,ork s1tc(s). ~ind thi..: Contractor shall cnsurt: that it!'i personnel are mutle a1~cm.: uf and comp!;v- with this r~slrictinn The Dcpnnrnc111:il l~<:!prcs<.:n1a1ivc/Pro.~~- Authority mny. in \~Tiling, a111honu 1i..:mnoniry rcmpvnJ of rnch 1ni"orinntinn or the Co~"1?1, frorn the idcntilicd \1or~ site(sJ subject to snft:g.unrding spl'cil"il'l1 1n lhc wriucn 0111hori7.al1011. :~ 0 ;,.,.$ 0 :%-0 Ill J l'1111wcd l11f111'lllilti\ll1 · DocS\'1"<;!11-flnc~.\\;1'<&fe1ieguarding ('$ i)i & -11), !n n<.:cordan<.'1..'.' wuh Section JO - ~rh17 ,Alr't:t--,f.:0'1'lte;:1or lllil)' be: pl·rmi!J!.'d tu rt:JlHJvi: DESJGNAJTf) 1nl'onirnt1011 on a TEMPORARY bn~ds~iY6?~()ftt>pr~~ri.:ati.: dl!sig.natcd di.H:umi.:111~ at his/hi.::r faci11t;. :-.ubict.:t to thl' follO\ sall:gunrd~: :.'/-? 0,?, Ocy/) Voit 611 all clucumcnts or rn111p111cr media e.g. Jis•~ltG~t,;_Xff11g DC.Sil~N,\l[ll i11forn1atio11 hc·l11ngi11g 10 Cor1t.:rt1on1.1I Scrv11.:c Canndn must be storcd in al~ tnls1g. rnhinl't m the C0n1ractur"s !'aci\11;.:

11t1 l)t:S!CJN1\TF:D inl"or111ntio11 mn) he Stored on the compl1li.:r h:ird dri\ r..: or bt: r>rocc;,.scd nn a ci.linpu11.:r bc!0ngi11g tn lhc Contrnctnr. llllkss lht: computer is protected by a sui'!H:.:ir•.: program app1o'>i.:d h. .. th..: rkpi1rt111en1 ihat autnmn!ically e11c:1')pts SHap lilc and temporal) lik :irc:is on tlial computi.:r.

the Cu11tractor 111us1 rc11\l>\t.: n11.' anJ ull :-.cnsi1ivt.: Cum.:l·t1unaJ St.T\11..'C C:in:id;i i..:li:c!rnn1i.: 111i'urm;111L1n tll;1t bl..'!ong~ tu tilt' D1..·pnnmi.:n1 or \\i\S pro1..'L 0 SS1..'d Ill thi.: l'Olllpklillll \)r tht.' l'll/llfil1..'L rrnin ;111y S[\)1'11£.l' mi.:l11u1n bclunging. lO the Co11trB\.'.\1Jr or Un)· or ll 0S l\gcnls. Thi: sc.:nsiliv1..· Ci.rnn:tionnl Si:rvil'<.: Ci111ada cl...·i.:11uni1..· inforrnntinn must hi: r1..'llHht:d in a manni:r lhal complies with ri.:qu1ri.:111cnts o!' th•,: G11;·0.:rnmt:n\ \i.:1..·unly Policy and assoi.:iatcO Standards documi.:nts. for the removal or inh1rinntion ot thc si.:11sit1;·11: involvi.:d !11fon11a1io11 011 this cun be obtnini:d hy conlacling. th1.: (\Hri.:ct1n1wl Servi1.:i..: C1lll<HJ11 · I 11 l'nrmnl \\)n Ti.:chnolngy Si.:curit> ConrJ in1~1or Lil ( 61)) 996-8300.

111.l 1nfor111a11un prori~fod by the Dcparlmi.:nt is ln be cupii:d or n.:!aint'd h~ rlJL• Crnirr;11..·ror. /(liJ01~ ing !he' Ctllll..'IUSiUJl of !his ClllllrtU,:l.

Government of Canada

the Con1rnc1nr 11ill pcN>11ally P"' up and ddiva all OESIGNAllcD inli>rmation th1n1 and IU the !)~pnn1111.:nlul Rqm:s\!nt.-iti\·c/Projn·t ,1\ulhurity:

all llD\l!S. \ pnp<.:rS. cr<:t:/~nl. l/11!( ;J(~ rdi!!Cd W lht' 1.:ompkliun UJ' !h!S (1Hltn11.:I and lhat CU11t;11n DLSICNATL~D Information !'hnll be rl!'LUrn(!d ln tht: Oi.!p11rtmen1nl Repri.!si..:1lluti\'d Projt:i..:t Authonly for di:-.pu:\al.

\h-: Contrnctnr ~hull 1101 share or rcli.!nsc nny DF.SfGN/\lEf) infirn1rnLlon 1·1.:Ja1cd lll tht..• 1.·1impklio11 ol this CUJ1lflll:l with rmyonc:. without Ri .:prc~i..:r1t<1l i ve/!>rojc:i.:t Authority.

lhl' Cun!ract1>r shn\l cnsun: that all ol' its c:mployci..:s who an: invn!vi.:d in th1:' contrni..:1 mi.: i..:nmpk!i..:I~ i1Wilr(' or lht:lr S\!CUrit)' obligutiu11s rt:lntL':d to thL': h~ndling or C.HrCClional Scrvici.: Canad.i'~ Ul:SIGNATED assets. as Oullincd in this Apµcndi\.

It 1s understl)\ld and ;ign;1.,·d that nil senirily ndes. regulalions and prnL'.i.:dures 11prliL·ahh: lD publi1.: scr\ 11nh rnlplo~·t.:d hy tile Correctioncil Sc:rvict: Canada will flrply equally to the Con1r;11.:to1·. i1s otfo.:crs. st.:r\·ants um\ ;1g1.:nl:i !'he l'nntrac(or ts n.:spunsiblc to i::m:urc Co1Ti.:1.:1inna! Service: Canada pcrsonn..:I security rrogrnm for the rurposc or SCL'Urit) i..:li.:=nrnnce or reliahil1!) s~rcc111ng nr 1l~ olfo.:ers. servants ~d ngc:1~ts. his u,nderstood and agn.:etl ~hn1 aL·ccs~ to Corri.:cti~11rnl Servi,: ...· ( ;urnd;1 prc1rnses or to 9_irr~1~~ Service: CnnaUn dOL'.umcnts 1~i11 ducum1..·11u111011 1s suhmi11ect'1r~~~s:i~

.. '5'e,.. '5'~ 0 1.- 0 . I Ii j 0 f hi.: l.01Hractor undcrstancb nhij-du;C~..Ji. ...~ ) t~ pflicc:rs. Sl'rvant-; and agents 111ust ctrnsi:nt lo tile 111." dlSCIUSUr\! of persona] informati~C:C(f()fr(cJ~ slfP~rt the pcrSOrlllel $CCllfil) prngram nn<J that r~iillffl' lU c~inscnl ID tl~ese disclosures will r~~r :'~~o~u.itnb~c ror c1npluymc111 un CnrrCt.:lioll.\I S\.'rvii.:1:

(. :lllmhi rri..:rrnscs and/or lo have access h9'°b~~~1..~tt9'1:1f~v1cc Cnnuda Uo<.:11mrn1s.

'?e o?> o~ "o ·1 h1..· Ct.lll(r<ictnr agri.:c~ that !IS otlicers. scrvnnr~lr~~t~:i:'"fk comply with o!I StilfH1rng order~ \}l uthi:r rcg.ul11.t11)l1S in 1·on:c: nt th.: site where lhc wuri.. ..;o,~d ~1'~S contrncl is lo he pcrform1..·ct. relating. l\\ lll<.: :-.afi.:!) Of pcr~Oll5 Oil the: ~itC or the f'lrlllCC\iOll Of prop~ i1Y10n~t loss nr dnmng.t' fro111 <lll)". <llld all Cilll:-.<.:S. 1111.·!ml111!:! 1·1r1.· rJ l I Compll;rnct' witll Applicable Laws ! l I l lic Cu11lrt1L'.l1Jr shall comply with nil !a1\IS. rcg.ul4ltion:-; and rules applirnhk to thi: agents and scnanl:-. pJ" !lie Cro\\ll und shall rcyuir~ cuinr!ianci.: lhcrc\\ilh by all DJ" it's sub-contnu.:tor~. 1:\1dc11cc of co111p\1~1nci: Htth such lilll"'\. n:gulatinns n1HJ rul~s ~lrn,'1 bt.: fl1mish~d hy th<.: Contractor lo !ht: Contructing Atnlwri!y ill su1.·11 11mi.:~ a~ thi..: Contrnc1ing Authorit) ma) rcu!io11nhk rcqut:Sl.

l).:t:iib ,in c.\isling Cni:rcc1ion;1I SL.·n it.:L' :-.1.·c ~1...c,t-'1..:.,l/!:lt-r.:.sh1ml

12 Health and Labour Cvnditions I~ I In thi-, '>l'l...'li\)n. "PubliL'. l·:r1til)'' 111i;;a1iS thi.: lllLll11Cl["J<.l\. prn\ii111.:i;il ur r~Ui.:ral gmi.:rn111cnl hlld: nulillmh·d l(l .:11!"011,:i..: a11;. lil\\S ClHlCt.:ming hi..:ullli \\1ld lilhour nppl1cabli.: lll thi.: ri.:rformnncc Uf!h1.• \\'ork 01 ;\!\) f)illt lhcri:ul·

I J l 1 I i

the rrior \\"ri{[l!I) nuthori7.flll1Hl nr \ht: Di.:r.irtlll~ll\'11

!111.: compktion of nn docurncnrn1io11 ri.:quircd in 1h ..., b..: w1thllL':ld u1111I i.:k<1rn1H.:c:

Cannd:i rio111. .·. 1cs 111a;. hi: luund ;11 http //\1 \1 ,, (\l·

Government Gouvernement of Canada du Canada MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 12.1 1'!11.: l\rntrni.:101 shall cnmply with al! laws concerning. hi!nlth and labnur condilio11s nrplicahh: pcr1'11rn111rn.:c ul' lilt: Wurk or pH.rt 1hcre1i n11d slrnll 11lsu require compliance or same by nil its subcontrnctnrs .... lien ~1rrl!L11hlc

12 J Th1.: Cuntrnctor upon any n:quest !'or information or insri..:ction d..:aling. with thi: Worl h) an ;iulllorizi.:d n:rn:si.:ntutivc or n Pl1bliL· l~nlity shall !"orthwith notify lhi.: D..:partml.'ntal Rcrrcscnrntivc/Pmjcct l\uthority nr lkrMn.1cst>

12 . ..J Evidcn...:c or coinplianct: with luws applicahli: to th1.: pcrformuncl.! of \hi.' Work or p11r1 thi:n:or b~ t.:illla the Contra<.:tor or !IS SLJbi.:nntruclor shnll he rumishcd hy thc Contrnctor to the Ucpan111cn1~il lh:pn:sc:nlutivc.:/ f>rnjccl Authnrity or I l\!r Mnjcst;.- Bl sud1 timi: as thi: Oqrnrtmcntal Ri:pn:scnta1in.:/f'r1)ji:1.·L Authmity or I IL-1 Mujcsly ma.1 n.:nsonnb!y n:qucsl."

U lleplnccmer1t of P~rsonnd 13 I \\.'hl.'n 'i111:cili1.' r<:rsons h;n·c.' hcc:n 11ilnlCJ in !he.· COll/rn1.:! jL>; !hi.' pasnns who JlllJSl pcrfom1 th\.'. wor~. rlli: Cnntractor shall pruv1d1: the si...:rvi\.'CS ol'\hc pi:r~ons so named u11kss the Cuntrm:tL)r 1:-. unnblt: 10 du Sll lu1 n.:;1:-.lllb h...:> und 11 s control.

t J.1 !fa( n11~ urn...: the Co11trnc1ur 1.s wwblc IO provide: th<.'.' scn·ices of (Ill) :.p~t:ili1.· r1.:r .... on nwncLJ in !hi:' rnn1m1.'J. 11 slHill r1·u,,.1tk u rcpl;.H;c1m:nt p~rson with similar qualitkalions u1H.l e\pl!rit:tll'i.'! Tile Contractor shnll. as ~0011 as russihk. giv\! tivc (5) working dnys notice to the Minist~r of:

lh) IU 14 (C'rtification - Contingency Fees 1,1 2 /\I! au:t)unl:-. am! n:L'.nrds ra:nui1nng tu pa)ITIClllS o(tt:es or <llhcr cumpcns~uion liir !hi: sol1i.:11ur1un. ob1ai11111~ 1H 11cg1Hiation of the contract :-.h:11l hi.: suhjC'Cl in th~ ;\ccount:-. nncl /\udi1 rm.wision~ nfth1.· co111rnct.

l.:I J 11·1hi.: ContrnL·tor ct:nifil!s folsdy under this sc<:tion or is in dcl'uult ofthi.: obligat1011s i.:onta1n~d therein. thi.: IV!i11istt.:r !llll>" i.:ilht:r tt:rminatt' this CClllln!Cl for di.:fou1\ pro'viSionS of thc CtHllf"<H.:I or l"('l.:O\·._:r frnlll th1.· l Ulllfi\t.:tOr h> Ha)" ol" rcJui.,:Lion ll> thi: CUlllrac\ pr1c~ ur othCn\ isc lh1.• fld1 ;llJH)Ul1! lll !he.: i.:n11ti1\g.c.:1ic) J"i.:t.: l l In th1:-. ~'-'l llllll '\·unti11gcnL') ri.:..:" means an> [lil)lllCnl nr utha 4.'.0ll1pensaluH1 tha1 is cn111ingt:nl tirwn tH i" cnkuh1ti:d lq1un lite b<isi" u!"il degret' o!"succ..:ss i11 solii.:itrng or oht11i11ing. ;1 Co\"cmmi:nl contrn\.'1 Llr ncgoiia1ing thc \\hok or <Ill! jJi\rt oJ' ll~ !Crill'\.

Government Gouvernement of Canada du Canada MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ''c:mp!o)'t:L:" means a pi.:rsnn with whom the Contrw.:lor has an cmplo;er/cmrlo)t:C rdationship. "r!..'rson" 1111..:ludL:s an indi\·idunl or grour nf imJi\lduals. u curpura1ion. a prinnc:rsh1p. iHl organi1.11tinn and n11 ussocialin11 and. \\ ithoul restricting lht: gt:neraJ ily Of the foregoing.. int.:l11dt!S nny individual \'<"ho is required lU Iii..: n return with the rt:gistrnr pursunnt to Section 5 or tht' Lobhyis1 Regi~1rn1io11 Act R..S l 985 c.-1-1 (-Ith ~l1ppk1111.:nt) HS thi: sami: may bt: aml!ntkd !'rum time to time.

l ~ Tubcrnilosis 'fl'Sling 15 I lt is <I COl1l1ition or this contrni.:t that tht: Contractor or nn) cmrloyl!t.: or the l'ontr<.ll'HH \\hll reql1in.: t.:lllry 111(0 u Com:ctinnal Servi1.:t: Canndu Institution lO ru1ri1 the: conditions of the cun1ract. ma.\' al tile Sllk Jiscn:tion nr the und up011 n:nsonablt: g.round$. b~ n:quin.:d lo providi.: pruor ~11' nnJ results ni' a rcci:nt tuberculin it:st for the rurposi.: ofcli.:tcnnining tht!ir TB i111i!ction S:l3.[US.

l 5 2 h1ilL1r<.: lo pro\1d<;; proofot'rmd re~ults nfn tub<.:rculi11 l<.:'::>l mn) r<.:~uh in th..: ti:nninat1on of thi: c1.11l!nH;1. I ).1 All cn"is 1·l·lu1ing to su!.'11 ti.:~ling will bi.: nl 1hi.: sok i:xpcnsc oJ'thL· Contractor. l 6 Pnmit!> A rid Liccnct~ 1'111.· Contr,tctur is rcspunsibk f'ur obtaining ;rnd pa) ni.:nt ui' fi.:t:s for all ncci:ssary pi.:rn11ts or 1!1.·i.:m:L's 1\:qu1r,;d lur lli,: rerl'n1·11uu1cc ofthi.: si.:rviccs pursuant to this contract.


18 18 :I J hi.: Contrncior. 1l's nllicers. servants unJ agi:nls slrnll not cnti;:r into an~ relationship and ~ivc rn rt:l.:t'i\I! 1li;:ms tu ;111 ufkmli:r. Su1.·h iti.:ms includi: but ::irc not rcstrictt!J tu the: folloH·ing: cigari.:ncs. !lliktr;. itt.:ms. hnhb> 1lt.:ll1' 1.'.lC dnig'i :iknlrnl. kttcrs lO or from inn1<1h:s. munc~. \Vt:apnm nr iti.:ms which could he 11~c.:J <L'> .i H~apu11

IX .1 1\11> p1.·rwn l'\lund re~ponsiblt: lor prm 1d1ng rwll1hitnl ubjt:cts nr c1rntrahand m:n1.·ri:1ls to ull\.·1Hk1:; "ill hl· ~u~jt;L'l lO il1llll\..'dialt! !'L'ITillVtl( from lht.: illSll!UliUll Ull(l/Or pnssihli.: Cl'iminnJ drnr_gt.:~.

19 0:1m:q_£~ Tn Or Loss Of Governmcut rropct'ty In llh.: l'\'\.'111 \ii d<!ll1db!l' or loss nfg.ovcrnrni.:n\ rrupl'l1) undn 1,;(lr\.' and Cll1Hr1.1I orthi: CL>1llrai.:1ur\ rcr:i1.rn111.:I till' l'u11tr.ll'l()f "lrnl\ 1mn11..:J1atc.:ly ad\ 1:\t.: th~ Com:i.:tiorrnl Sa' ii.:t: Canada D..:part111~ntal 1~1.::prcsr:ntativdPro.1..:1.·t Authurtl). b) Lt.:kplh)lll' ur 1nts:-<1gt.: .ind \1 1th111 ":>t.:,·..:11 ( 7) d11) s submit <1 "nLlt!n rt.:pon on the.: ini.:ic.knt.

(NEW) 03~-0NT-332-1 (OL~~~:~~~~-332 Government Gouvcrnemcnt of Canada du Canada MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 20 Amendments No amendment tn tht: l.'.01ll1T1cl nllr waiv'.!r or any \crms of thi: tt!rms and prn\·isiuns shall be di.:..:n1i.::d as valid u111t:ss dh:ctt.:cl by n writti:n n111i.::ndrni.:nt

21 Entire Agrecmrnt ["h..: r.:unlC<l\..'! l,;(lil~ll!Uti..:~ till! C'Hllll.: ag.rt:Cllll.:llt bi:tn,t.:t:ll lili: fHlrtli;:S \\j\IJ rt:Sp\.:l'[ lO !ht.: SUhJCt.:! 11\i.l[[l!r nf thi.: Cllll(fil(:l <HH1 suri:rsc.:di:~ ull pr...:v1nus 11cgut1atrnns. communic111io11 a11d nthi:r ugrc:trni.::nls rc!nting lO ir unli:ss th..:) iU'i.: incorporati.:d b> ri.:ti:ri.:111..:i.: \11 lilt: Clll\\nlCI

22 lnturrntionnl Sanctions 22.1 l\.:rsons in CnnuJa. and Cnnndinns outside! or Canndu. ore hound by economic s;1111..:t1ons irnpusc:d h; C1in:idu A;; :1 result. the Govcrnm...:nl of Cn.nadn cnnnot ac<::cpl delivery of gomls 0r si.:t\l~l.'.5 lh1ll nrigin;l!c. i.:11h...:r cl1r~ctl) ur inclm:cl!y, from the countries or pi:rson:\ suhjcc:l lu !.'.'Co11omic su111.:tion\

fJi.:tnils ur1 i.:.\1.sting srinctions may bt: found at: http://www.dfoil-mueci gc c;t/1rndi.:/s:1111.:(H111s-<..: asp 22.2 ll IS a <..:U11Jil11ll\ or this cunlntl.:I !hill the Contractor not supply to the Govi.:rnm...:nt nr Canada a11;. g.ouds \)I" ~a,,.-iccs n hi ch nn; subject 10 cconom1c sanctions.

"Mal...:ri,il" 111...:ans i:lll)thlllg Lhn1 is c1c:.Ht:d or di.:vt:lorcJ h> thi.: l"unin1ctl)r B" j)drl nl 11t1.· \Vnrk 111Hh:r 111...: Co111nu.:1. and in which copyright sub~ists. hut docs 1101 inch1di: compwcr rrogr<.1111s n11d rcl;l!cd :.of\H-,lr1.· docuincnlation

"i'v\m;.,il R1,gl1ts" ha:\ !ht.: same meaning ris in thi.: Co1>yr1~1.!hl ,-let. ltS.C. 19K5. c. C-~] 2.1 ? ( l}r;r1gh1 1n the tvlall.'ri11! shall '''st 1n Cu1wda Hnd thi.: Cu11lnH.:tnr shall inc1lJ"f)11ratt.: in ,ii\ 1\L\li.:rial 1111.: C\lp) right )~ 111bol illld Cillit:r Uf lhi.: l'o!IU\' mg IHlltl"1.''.1, ns ar1m.1rrin1c

(. H~R Ml\.llc'ilY TH le Qllf:l'N IN l\IGH'I Oi' C.111i1di1 (l'OIH) o" '- 01\ 1\l,\JES IF LA RUN[ DU CHl'I" llU C1\Nl\ll,\ (year)

Government Gouvernement of Canada du Canada MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 2).4 WhcrL' 1.·op)rtght in riny /'vlatc:rial \.t:SIS in Cunnctn under tht.: Contn11..:1. the Contractor sh;ill cxi.:1:(1lc such i..·onvi.::nnc~s nnd other documents n:lnting 10 titli: or copyright as the Minislt!r mn>· ri.:quirc

13 ) !'hi.: Contr<ii.:tor sh;dl not use cory. div11lge or publish any tvlatt:rial c:xcert ns 1>i nt.:cesr.;<H)' to perl'urm tlic Contr:u.:t

23.Ci Al the rt.:q~1.:s1 or th1: Mini:>ti.:r. tht: C'ontrm:tor shall provith.: lO Cnnu.da. al lilt: i.:ompkl1lln oi' 1lli.: \Vnrl.. or ut such nthcr time as the Minista may require. a \\.Tillt'n J1l!rma11i:nt waiver or Mnrnl flights, in a !'orm a<.:L:cprnhli: to the Minister. from evay author that contributct.l to the M;.11i.:rial.

2).7 Ii' 1h<: Cuntra<.:tor is n11 mllhM of lhl' lvlll!eri:ll. the Contractor ht!rcby rcrrna1h..'11tl~ \1:1i\•t.·~ th..: Contr:\l'lllr'..; ~foral l{1ghl:i i11 rt!Spt:i..:t or the fv·lat1.:ri;d

II yuu \\llh the prcci:d111g pka:-;c- ucl-:110\\kdgi; by signing all curies nr this ngrt:~lllt.'ill bt:IO\I and r~lllrllillh! lh..:m ln th<.: unUi.:rs1g1H.:d

£P11u~lrni: -Cook- -----Ri.:gional Cnntrnct Administratnr Com:ctional Sen ii.:t.:: Cnnnda Rcgionul H!!ttdquctni:r\ (OJ 4-llJ King Str<et West. !'.CJ lh1.x 1174

f...: 1n~:.ln1i. Onl<1rio KJUYX ·r·cl (61)) )45-8211i l',\X tli I J) 5.16-4571

(NEW) 03-~-0NT-332-1 (OLD)?,Q~ NT-332 'f!';_ ,.,. :,,_ Si Vf.£l <'.lqf V~~

Government Gouverncmcnt of CnnHda du Canada MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE CONTRACTOR:

Gravenhurst Horne Hardware Witness Date FOR HEH. MAJESTY: Witness I j' \ ! i Dute i J l 1:ebruar' I I. 2004 l ! ! Rc'viewecl f(11· Regio1ial Contract Administraro1·: f j l ! ~

., \:,


Steven Olah - and -Her Majesty the Queen & Gravenhurst Home Hardware

AFFIDAVIT OF THE APPLICANT John L. Hill 993 Ontario Street Cobourg, Ontario K9A3C8

Tel.: (905) 373-0200 Fax: (905) 373-1670

Solicitor for the Applicant

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.