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THE COMPETITION TRIBUNAL IN THE MATTER OF an application by the Director of Investigation and Research under

Sections 92 and 105 of the Compet~tion Act, R.S.C. c.C-34, as amended: AND IN THE MATTER OF the proposed acqu ~ition by Asea Brown Boveri Inc. of certain ~ssets and property comprising the elec lrical transmission and distribution busin ies of ore 1 1989 Westinghouse Canada Inc., including t ~e of its wholly-owned subsidiary Transe ectr ix T ec no ogy nc. h l I B E T W E E N: THE DIRECTOR OF INVESTIGATION AND RESEARCH - and -ASEA BROWN BOVERI INC., WESTINGHOUSE CANADA INC., TRANSELECTRIX TECHNOLOGY INC.

Respondents AFFIDAVIT OF PETER A. MAGNUS I, Peter A. Magnus, of the City of Ottawa in the Judicial District of Ottawa-Carleton, Barrister and Solicitor, MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT:

1. I am a partner in the firm of Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt, counsel to Asea Brown Boveri Inc. partner principally responsible for the negotiation, conduct and implementation of the trade remedies provisions of the Consent Order of June 15, 1989 and as such have personal knowledge of the facts herein disposed.

--~~~~--, . COMPETITIONTR!BUNAL TRIOUNAL DE LA cm1CURRlNCE ti C P I 0 i tv{_ ~ I · · t l REGIS -TR -A -R - - flEGISTH/\.IRE -- ·-·--·- ------OTT />.WA, ONT. .:H___lf!._<f (0_ l --- ·--·----_,,J Applicant

( 11 ABB 11 ). I have been the

- 2 -Re: FTA Accelerated Tariff Reduction - Canada 2. As part of the Free Trade Agreement, ("FTA") Article 401.5 thereof provided for the accelerated elimination of duty on i terns in the FTA tariff schedule of each country, subject to bilateral consultation.

3. By Canada Gazette Part I Notice of March 4, 1989, a copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit "l" to my affidavit, the Government of Canada established March 31, 1989 as the deadline for submission of requests for accelerated tariff elimination. In addition the Notice provided as follows:

"Changes to the staging of tariff elimination agreed by Canadian and U.S. Governments will be implemented on January 1, 1990". 4. On March 31, 1989 ABB filed its request for tariff elimination on certain mid-size transformers.

5. Following the filing with the Competition Tribunal of Federal Pioneer Limited' s consent to the tariff reduction set forth in paragraph lO(b) of the Consent Order, June 15, 1989, ABB amended its tariff submission to include the specific transformers as defined in the said paragraph lO(b).

6. On July 15, 1989, the Canada Gazette Part I contained a listing of all applications for such accelerated tariff

- 3 -reduction, including ABB's application. Attached hereto as Exhibit "2" to my affidavit is a copy of the said Canada Gazette. The said Notice contained the following comment with respect to implementation:

"Negotiations with the U.S. are expected to begin in early September and will continue through the fall with a view to implementing an agreed package of requests by both countries on January 1, 1990."

7. Following the invitation of submissions regarding the list of applications, no objections were received by the Canadian government with respect to ABB's application.

8. In mid-October it became evident that negotiations on the FTA accelerated tariff reduction lists of each country would not commence until November. As a result of provisions of the U.S. legislation regarding time periods, implementation on January 1, 1990 would not be possible.

9. The ABB application which would give effect to paragraph lO(b) of the Consent Order was included in the list of tariff items which were the subject of negotiations with U.S. officials which concluded on November 30, 1989.

- 4 -Re: FTA Accelerated Tariff Reduction - U.S. 10. By Federal Register notice of January 23, 1989 filed by the Office of the United States Trade Representative ("USTR"), the U.S. government established February 21, 1989 as a deadline for submission of U.S. requests for FTA accelerated tariff reduction.

11. By Federal Register notice of July 17, 1989, the USTR provided public notice soliciting submissions from U.S. interests. The said notice included tariff item 8504.23 which includes transformers which are the subject of the Consent Order. Attached hereto as Exhibit "3" to my affidavit is a copy of page 29964 of the Federal Register evidencing inclusion of the tariff item.

12. The said Federal Register notice of July 17, 1989 requested that comments regarding such tariff reduction on tariff i terns proposed by either Canada or the U.S. be submitted to the USTR by August 18, 1989. The notice also indicated that the said tariff i terns were being referred to the International Trade Commission ("ITC") for purposes of its judgement as to the probable economic effect of such tariff reduction on industries producing like or directly competitive articles and on consumers. A copy of p. 29959 of the Federal Register evidencing the above forms Exhibit "4" to my affidavit.

- 5 -13. The ITC conducted an investigation and held public hearings commencing September 11, 1989 into the above matter. A search •. at the ITC was conducted on my behalf and no submissions with respect to tariff i tern 8504. 23 were discovered. I do verily believe that no such submissions were made.

14. It is my understanding that the tariff items that the U.S. government has included in its list of i terns for accelerated tariff elimination issued on November 30, 1989 is based on those items where neither government has received objections from their respective domestic interests.

Re: Implementation of Accelerated Tariff Reduction 15. At a meeting of the Canada-u.s. Trade Commission on November 30, 1989, Minister Crosbie (the Canadian Chairperson of the Commission) and Carla Hills (the United States Trade Representative and U.S. Chairperson of the Commission) reviewed and accepted the results of recently concluded bilateral consultations between the Canadian and U.S. governments during which agreement was reached on the list of tariff items that will be subject to accelerated FTA tariff elimination.

16. Attached as Exhibit "5" to my affidavit portions of a document entitled "List of Tariff Lines and Products Where

- 6 -Canada and The United States Have Agreed to Accelerate the Elimination of the Tariff" issued by the Canadian government on November 30, 1989. This document identifies the tariff lines and products on which Canada and the United States have agreed to accelerate the elimination of the tariff, subject to final approval processes in both countries.

17. Annex 1 of the said document sets out the list of relevant tariff line numbers. Where a tariff line number specified on Annex 1 is followed by the designation "(P) 11 the relevant products on which agreement has been reached are specified in Annex 2.

18. Annex 1 of Exhibit "5 11 (at page 23) together with Annex 2 (at page 9) indicate that both countries have agreed to tariff elimination on the following goods that come within tariff item 8504.23:

"auto-transformers with an individual base MVA exceeding 100 but not exceeding 300, regardless of voltage classification; other transformers with a base MVA exceeding

50 but not exceeding 275, regardless of voltage classification; other transformers, with an individual voltage classification of 765 or greater"

19. The description from Annex 2 set out above covers the transformers specified in paragraph lO(b) of the Consent Order.

- 7 -20. The page immediately following the title page of Exhibit "5" indicates as follows: "In the majority of cases the tariff will be eliminated in 1990. The following are the exceptions: the tariff on certain goods of 8504.23(P) and 8504.90(P) (see Annex 2 for specific products) will fall to 6 p.c. on April 1, 1990, to 3 p.c. on January 1, 1991 and to Free on January 1, 1992.

21. The implementation dates set out in the previous paragraph are exactly as required by paragraph lO(b) of the Consent Order except that the reduction contemplated by the Consent Order is to be implemented on April 1, 1990 instead of January 1, 1990.

Re: Remission Order 2 2. Following both prior consul tat ion with officials of the Department of Finance and the filing of the application for the Consent Order on May 15, 1989, ABB made a formal submission to the Tariffs Division of the Department of Finance requesting removal of duty by way of Remission Order on certain "large" transformers.

23. On June 20, 1989, ABB filed a supplemental submission to amend its application in order to include the "large" transformers specifically referred to in paragraph lO(a) of the Consent Order.

- 8 -24. The Department of Finance has conducted its usual solicitation of comments within the Canadian industry regarding the proposed Remission Order. No objections to this remission have been received.

25. I expect that approval of such an order will be given by the Minister of Finance on or about November 30, 1989. I also expect that the Remission Order will be presented to Cabinet for approval at its scheduled meetings of on either December 6 or 13, 1989.

26. Subject to the foregoing it should be possible that a certified copy of the Order in Council as provided in paragraph lO(a) will be filed with the Competition Tribunal on or before December 18, 1989.

Re: General 27. I do verily believe that ABB has taken all steps necessary and available to it to assist in or cause the fulfillment of the conditions imposed in paragraphs lO(a) and (b) of the Consent Order.

- 9 -28. I make this affidavit in support of a Motion to Vary certain terms of the Consent Order of June 15, 1989 and for no improper purpose.

SWORN before me at the City ) of Ottawa, in the Judicial ) D. is·t.·. ric;,~ of Ottawa-.. Ca.~on ) thi~··?a a~o N9~r 1989) "' ne ~ r, , e p' t . c , . ~ tt£C i



in111a11on 01 Domes/le l·unsu1ta11on.1 Debut aes ;·onsuua11ons au oars The Guvernment s 001eCt1\e 1n tnese aomest1c c0nsu1Lat10ns P:ir ies consultauons 1nternes. ie gouvernement espcre , to oota1n 1nlormat1on 1rvm ~t~restea ::iart1es on tne Jotenir. des parnes 1nteressces. oes rense1gnements sur les :;otent1a1 aavantages or d1sJO\antage, 01 .i..:;:e1eratea el1m1na- lVantageS Cl leS 1nCOnVCntCntS eventUCIS OC l'efiminal!On ·.1on oi duties unaer tne C.inau.i-L ::i ~'ee Trace .. \greement Jcceieree b1lateraie aes drollS dans 1e cas des numeros FTAl on tne C.inaatan anal:) :_r11( :terns ,~tout 1n tne :.irifa1res du Canaoa et des Etats-Ln1s 1nci1oues dans la l1ste en Jccompanv1ng list. Jnnexe dans 1e cadre de .\ccord de l1bre-echangc 1ALEl cntre le Canada et les Etats-Lnis.

This i1st contains reauests ror .i~ce:er:nea tu11i elim1nauon ·ece1ved ov both Guvernments T~e Guvernment 1s seeKing .1ews from 1nterestea oart1es :.~ L.inaaa :ma "'"i unaertaKe ~onnaitre ie ooint ae vue des parties 1nteressces au Canada et ti ~egouauons w11h the L S. Jn tnose reuuests wn1ch are 1n -.:Jnaaa s interest .ina \\ n1cn ~~:u' ::o::ial\·Oaseo suoport 1n · :ie 1naustn concernea The Guvernment "'111 oe .::un,u1t1nJ? "1tn tne lnternat1ona1 Trace .\av1son C0mm1ttee 'IT \C 1. Sectora1 .. \dv1sor' Groups on lnternat1ona1 Trace 1:::i.\GIT,1 ana maior industr\ .\ssoc1at1ons as tne oriman ")urce 01· .::ontact lor seei(ing : naustrv views. Interested Part\' Subm1ss1ons In addition to the consultations mentioned a~ve:... lany; 1-riierested partv 1s 1nv11ed to -;ubmn views to the Government! .it the aodress at the end ol this '-.ot1cc ... \II subm1ss1ons musu be received no later than August 3 i .'.Subm1ss1ons should:

1a1 1dent1lv the tar1ff item or 11ne being addressed; 'bl c1ear1' 1nd1cate support or oooos1uon to the proposed :ar1 ff acce1era lion: ,., orov1ae orec1se 1nlormauon on the reasons !or this :iosn1on. For e~amo1e. 1nteresteo oames snould state the :moact 11 would have on tne1r ooerat1ons. including emolo\- ment and production 1n Canaoa . .ina on their import ana export interests. "egot1at1ons wnh the L.S. are expected to begin in earl\· September and will continue through the fall wnh a view to 1mptcment1ng an agreed package oi requests by both counmes on Januarv I. 1990.

Background The FTA. which came into effect on Januarv I. 1989. provides for the elimination. bv Januarv I. 1998. o.f all tariffs on Canadian and L.S. goods traded between the two counmes. Tariffs on many products were eliminated on January I. 1989. and the remainder are currentlv scheduled to be phased out 1n five or ten equal annual stages.

.\rttcle 401.5 of the FT; provides !or accelerated elimina- tion of the tariff on spec1iic items 1n the Customs Tariff of


La l1ste conuent les dcmandes d"eliminat1on accelcrcc des drollS recues oar les deux pays. Le gouvcrnement veut entreorenora oes negoc1auons avec les Etats-Lms sur les Jemandes ou1 1nteressent le Canada et qui reco1vent un appu1 'ort de 1'1 nciusme v1see. Le gouvernement communiauera avec 1e Com1te consultalli ,ur le commerce exteneur 1CCCEl. ies Groupcs de consulta-tion sectonel sur le commerce exter1eur I GCSCE) et les ;mnc1pales assoc1at1ons industnelles commc premiere source de contact pour obten1r les points cie vue de l"industnc. Presentations par /es personnts et organismts 1nttrtssis En plus des consultations susmenuonnecs. les pames 1ntcressces sont 1nv1tces a soumettrc !cur point de vue au gouvernement :i l'adressc 1nd1quec :i la iin du present av1s . Toutes !es presentations do1vent ctre re~ues au plus tard le 31 aout. Les presentations do1vcnt :

a) designer IC numerO OU la iigne tar1faire v1sec: bl ind1quer cla1rement s1 1·auteur est en faveur de l"elimina-t1on accelcrec proposec des arons de douanc ou non: 1 _1ust1fier . .i 1·11de de rensc1gncments orec1s. la posmon adoptee. Par exemo1e. les oames 1nteressees do1vent preciser 1es reoercuss1ons sur leurs operations 1nciuant le nomore d·empio1s. la production au Canada. leurs 1mportauons et leurs exportations. Les nc2oc1at1ons avcc !es Etats-L ms devra1ent commencer au cours -de la premiere mo1t1c du mo1s de septcmbre et se poursu1vre tout l'automne afin de pcrmettre 1·entrcc en v1gueur des demandes approuvces dans !es deux pays au l" 1anv1er 1990.

Contexte L"ALE. en v1gueur dcpu1s le l '. 1anv1er i 989. prcvon I" elimination. d'ic1 le l" 1anv1cr 1998. de tous !cs drol!S de douanc sur !es marchandises que s·echangcnt le Canada et les Etats-L ms. Les drolls de douanc sur de nombrcux produ1ts ont ~tc climtncs le I" 1anv1cr 1989 et lcs autres dcvraicnt ctre suppr1mcs progress1vcmcnt en c1nq ou d1x etapcs annueiles egales.

L"amcle 401.5 de !"ALE prevou l"elimmauon accclcree des drollS appltcables a des articles specifiques du Tarif des

360 Canada Gazette Part I DEPARTMENTS OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND FINANCE SUBMISSION OF REQUESTS. BY MARCH 31. 1989. FOR ACCELERATED ELIMINATION Of TARIFFS L~DER THE CANADA-U.S. FREE TRADE AGREE· \1E~T The Canada-Li .S. Free Trade Agreement (FT A). which ~amc into effect on January 1. 1989. provides for the elimina- t10n by January I. 1998 of all tariffs on Canadian and U.S. goods traded between the two countries. Tariffs on many products were eliminated on January 1. 1989. while others will :,c phased out in five or ten equal stages.

.-\rude 401.5 of the FT A provides for accelerated climina· uon of the duty on items in the FT A Tariff Schedule oi each country. subject to bilateral consultation. The purpose of this notice is to advise parties interested in submttung requests for accelerated tariff climinauon of the procedures to be followed. as set out below. The Government intends to undertake thorough consulta· t1ons on all proposals received from Canadian and U.S. par· ties. Any changes to the FT A tariff phasing must be 1n the Canadian interest and enjoy broad support in the domestic industry concerned. To facilitate domestic consultation. a list of the requests received for accelerated elimination of both Canadian and U.S. tariffs will be published in a subsequent Canada Gaztrte notice. A comment period of 45 days will be provided. In addition. advice will be sought from the International Trade Advisory Committee (ITAC) and the Sectoral Advisory Groups on International Trade (SAGITs). Once these domes· tic consultations have been completed. proposals for accelerat· ed elimmauon of Canadian and U.S. tariffs will be subject to negouauon by the two Governments. In order to provide sufficient time to hold domestic consulta· tions and undertake negotiations with the United States. it is essential that all requests for accelerated tariff elimination be ~ubmitted b.J _~arch 31. 1989.jChanges to the staging of tariff I le 31 man 1989. Les modifications au calendricr d'elimination elimination agreed by the Canadian and U.S. Governments will be implemented on January I. 1990. - -~ Requests for tariff acceleration should be submitted. in writing. to: Director. U.S. Tariffs and Market Access Division. Department of External Affain. 50 O'Connor Street. 17th Floor. Ottawa. Ontario KIA IJt (Facsimile No.: 613·996- 7411) and Director. Tariffs Division, Department of Finance, Ottawa. Ontario KIA 005 (Facsimile No.: 613·992-7347).

Submissions should specify the acceleration being requested (e.g. elimination on January I, 1990, change from ten to five year phase-out. etc.) on Canadian and/or U.S. tariffs. and should include the following information: 1. Company name. address. phone. and point of contact.

r \.f ardt 4. I 989 ' '11NISTtRES DES AFF AIRES EXTERIEURES ET DES flNANCES DEJ>OT DE DEMANDES D'ELIMINATION ACCELE· REE DES DROITS DE DOUANE. AU 31 "1ARS 1989. EN VERTU DE L'ACCORD DE LIBRE·ECHANGE ENTRE LE CANADA ET LES ETATS·UNIS L'Accord de librc-echange lALE) entrc le Canada ct lcs Etats·Unis. en vigucur dcpu1s le t" 1anvicr 1989. prevoit !'elimination. d'ici le l '' janvicr i 998. de taus lcs droits de douane sur les marchandises que s'echangent les dcux parties. Les droits de douane sur de nombrcux produ1ts Ont ete elimi· nes au I'' Janvier 1989. tandis quc d'autrcs seront supprimes progrcssivcment en cinq OU dix etapes egalcs.

L'articlc 401.5 de l'ALE prevoit l'eliminauon acceleree des droits applicables a la listc de cha~ue pays. sous reserve de consultations bilaterales. Le present avis a pour but de faire connaitrc la marchc a suivrc aux parties desircuscs de deposer des demandcs d'elimi· nation accclerec des droits. Le. gouvcrncmcnt a !'intention de temr des consultations detaillees a l'egard de toutcs les proposmons soumiscs de part et d'autrc de la frontierc. Toutc modificauon au calendricr d'elimination des droits prevu a l'ALE doit viscr l'interet du Canada et etrc appuyee par l'industnc nauonalc concernee. Pour facilitcr la consultation a l'echcllc nauonale. une liste des dcmandes r~ucs sera publiee dans la Gaztrte du Canada sous fonne d'avis. Une periode de 45 jours scra accordec pour permcttrc aux parties de formulcr des observations. En outrc. on demandera l'avis du Comitc consultatif sur le commerce cxtericur ct aux Groupes de consultation sectorielle sur le commerce cxtericur. Unc fois ces consultations nationa· lcs terminees. lcs propositions d'elimination accelerec des droits canadicns ct americains scront assuJctt1cs au processus de negociation cntrc les dcux administrations. Pour favoriser la tcnuc de consultations nationalcs ct amor· ccr les negociations avec les Etats·Cnis. toutcs les demandcs d'climination accelcree des droits devront ctre deposCes avant des droits approuvees par les admimstrauons canadienne ct americainc scront mises en a:uvrc le l '' Ja nv1cr 1990. Les dcmandes d'elimination accelerec des droits doivent etrc ecrites ct adressees aux personnes suivantcs: Direct~ur. Direc· tion des tarifs ct de l'acces aux marches des Etats·Unis. Ministerc des Affaircs extericures. 50. rue O'Connor. 17' etage, Ottawa (Ontario) KIA IJI (TC!ecopicur: 613·996-7411) ct Directcur. Division des tarifs. Ministcrc des Finances. Ottawa (Ontario) KIA OG5 (TC!ecopicur: 613-992· 7347).

Le rythme de I' acceleration dcmandee (par excmple, elimi· nation au I" janvier 1990, modification de la periode de rctrait progressif (de dix a cinq ans), etc.) a l'egard des tarifs canadiens OU amcricains. OU lcs dcux. doit etrc precisC dans la demande: cctte derniere doit rcnfcrmcr lcs rcnsei1ncmcnts suivants: I I. La raison socialc. l'adrcssc ct le numero de telephone de la societe. ct le nom de la personnc ressourcc.

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f I I Federal Register I Vol. 54, No. 135 I Monday, July 17, 1989 I Notices 29959 writing to the U.S. Government Printing United States and Canada under ITA Street. NW .• Washington, DC 20506. All Office, P.O. Box 37082. Washington. DC Article 401(5). This notice is intended to submissions must specify the United 20013-7082. Copies may also be inform the public of those articles that States and/or Canadian tariff chapter. purchased from the National Technical may be the subject of negotiations heading or subheading to which the Information Service, U.S. Department of between the United States and Canada comments refer. and must include the Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road. for accelerated tariff elimination. name. address and telephone number of Springfield. Virginia Z2161. Additional Information: Further the person. firm or organization making Dated at Rockville. Maryland. this 10th day information on this subject may be the comments. of July 1989. found in the Federal Register notice of Advice of the International Trade For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. January 23. 1989. Volume 54, Number 13. Commission Walter R. Butler, at pages 3175 and 3176. A list of The International Trade Commission Director. Project Directorate 1-2. Division of abbreviated descriptions of the articles is being furnished with the list of articles Reactor Projects //IL Office ofN uclear · provided for in the tariff chapters. Reactor Regulation. headings, and subheadings listed in published in this notice for the purpose (FR Doc. 89-16660 Filed 7-14-89: 8:45 am) Annexes I and II below, can be obtained of securing from the Commission its COO£ by contacting Frances Birdsall at the judgment as to the probable economic BIWNG 7511CM11-ll National Technical Information Service effect of acceleration of elimination of (NTIS). 5285 Port Royal Road, United States duties on industries Springfield. Virginia 22061. telephone producing like or directly competitive OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES (703) 487-4650. Inquiries regarding this articles and on consumers. TRADE REPRESENTATIVE notice or other aspects of the Articles That May Be Considered in Implementation of the Accelerated implementation of accelerated tariff Negotiations Tariff EJlmlnatton Provision In the elimination under the ITA should be directed to the Office of North American Except as noted. all articles provided United States; Canada Free-Trade Agreement Affairs. Office of the U.S. Trade for in the chapters. headings, and Representative. Room 501. 600 17th subheadings of the Harmonized Tariff Office of the United States Street, l\'W., Washington. DC 20506. Schedule of the United States that are AGENCY: Trade Representative. telephone (202) 395-5663. listed in Annex I to this notice. and in the chapters. headings, and subheadings ACTION: Notice of articles under Request for Comments of the Customs Tariff of Canada that are consideration for negotiations with the listed in Annex II. may be subject to Canadian Government for accelerated Comments supporting or opposing tariff elimination. accelerated U.S. or Canadian duty negotiations with Canada for elimination on articles provided for in accelerated duty elimination. These lists SUMMARY: Section 201(b) of the United the tariff chapters. headings. and include all articles for which States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement subheadings listed in Annex I or Annex acceleration of tariff elimination has Implementation Act of 1988 ("ITA 11 will be accepted until August 18, 1989. been requested in petitions submitted Implementation Act") grants the Comments should be type-written and either to the Government of the United President. subject to the consultation submitted in eight copies to Rick States or to the Government of Canada. and layover requirements of section 103 Ruzicka. Director for Canadian Affairs. Charles E. Roh, Jr .• of that Act. the authority to proclaim Office of North American Affairs. Office Actmg Assistant U.S. Trade Representative any accelerated schedule for duty of the United States Trade for North American Affairs. elimination that may be agreed to by the Representative. Room 501. 600 17th BIWNG CODE 3190-01~

- J This is Exhibit " ) " referred to in the Affidavit of ijeb A.~sn~. ~A dated this~ d'o/ ~f .. - 8501.34 u qear motors 19~ /,.fttt. r/~ ~-A CommissioOet etc., 1n an~r'for the 8501.51 u qear motors Province of Ontario. 8501.53 u qear motors 8504.23 C/U auto-transformers with an individual base MVA exceedinq 100 but not exceeding JOO, reqardless of voltaqe classification; other transformers with a base MVA exceeding 50 but not exceeding 275, reqardless of voltage classification; other transformers, with an individual voltaqe classification of 765 or qreater 8504.90 C/U bushings and tap changers for the electrical power transformers specified in the product description in 8504.23 above. 8509.40 C/U food processors and food grinders 8523.13 c unrecorded video tape, 3/4 inch or qreater in width 8525.20 C/U all products except paging devices 8529.10 C/U antennas for land mobile transceivers, cellular telephones or radio and television transmitters 8539.21 C/U all products except lamps for automobiles 8716.39 u aluminum construction drop centre livestock trailers havinq a gvw of 11.778 tonnes or more and a length exceedinq 12 metres 8903.99 C/U personal watercraft, being vessels of five metres or less in overall lenqth that are inboard powered, water-jet driven, and deaiqned to be operated while sittinq, standinq or kneelinq on, rather than sitting in, as in conventional vessels 9032.89 C/U electronic loqic panels and accessories for multi zone control automatic regulation or control instruments, fan and humidity controls and pneumatically controlled valves

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.