
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Attention : ce document est disponible en anglais seulement.

Competition Tribunal File No: The Competition Tribunal In the matter of an Application by Safa Enterprises In doing business as My Convenience Store for an order pursuant to Section 103.1 of the Competition Act, RSC 1985 c. C-34, as amende granting leave to bring an application pursuant to Section 76 of the Competition Act

BETWEEN: Safa Enterprises Inc. Applicant AND: Imperial Tobacco Company Limited . Respondent NOTICE OF MOTION PURSUANT TO RULE 120 OF THE FEDERAL RULES OF C 1 URT

TAKE NOTICE that an Application will be made on behalf ' f the Applicant SAFA ENTERPRISES INC., carrying on a business as MY CONVENIENCE STORE bel~ore the Tribunal for an

Order for leave to be represented by its Manger, Adnan Mustafa, in he proceedings, rather than a solicitor, pursuant to Rule 120 of the Federal Rules of Court.

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the grounds on which the Application is made include the following:

1. Reference w ill be made to Rule 120 of the Federal Rules of Court

AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that in support of the Application wil be read the Affidavit of Adnan Mustafa and Affidavit of Raina K. Adnan and such further a1d other materials as Counsel may advise, including without limitation, documents filed in r ompetition Tribunal action number CT-2013- . DATED at the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia this 6t1d ay of September,


\~ ADNAN J usTAFA TO: The Clerk of the Court AND TO: Action No. CT-2013-IN THE FEDERt L COURT JUDICIAL DISll RICT OF


ADNA 6A Avenue Surrey BC V3V 2AS Phone: f0 4-782-5465 Fax: Gf4 -566-9836

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