
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Attention : ce document est disponible en anglais seulement.

••• Bureau de la concurrence Competition Bureau Canada Canada Place du Portage I Place du Portage I 50, rue Victoria 50 Victoria Street Gelineau (Quebec) Gatineau, Quebec K1A OC9 K1A OC9 VIA FACSIMILE (613-952-1123) The Competition Tribunal c/o Raynald Chartrand, Registrar Royal Bank Centre 600-90 Sparks Street Ottawa, Ontario KlP 584

Dear Mr. Chartrand: Re: Robert Gilles Gauthier cob as The National Capital News Canada v. The Honourable Peter Millillen, M.P., Speaker of the House of Commons [CT-2007-007]

Titis is to certify pursuant to section 103 .1 of the Competition Act that the above-captioned matter is not the subject of an inquiry nor was it the subject of an inquiry that has been discontinued because of a settlement between the Commissioner of Competition and The Honourable Peter Milliken, M.P., Speaker of the House of Commons.

Yours sincerely,

ssistant Deputy Commissioner of Competition (Civil Matters)

Canada SEE-~ 100/100 d 089·! 9\158ES6618+ 51:51 L0-£1-unr

Telecopteur-Facslmlle (819) 953-6546 Telephone-Telephone (819) 953- 8536 June 13, 2007 CCWfn;r:JH UUBUNAL TIBrlfil DE U. CONCURRENCE ~L 'JUN 13 2007 {~'r/ ~ !.JUIN . ll--iJ E . U D I REGfSTRAR - REGISTRAIRE T OTTAWA, ON 00 T/

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