
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Attention : ce document est disponible en anglais seulement.

THE COMPETITION TRIBUNAL IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPETITION ACT, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-34, as amended; AND IN THE MATTER OF an inquiry pursuant to subsection lO(l)(b)(iii) of the Competition Act relating to the marketing practices of 932552 Ontario Limited, Trevor Brisebois, his distributors and their employees;

AND IN THE MATTER OF the filing and registration of a consent agreement pursuant to section 74.12 of the Competition Act.

BETWEEN: lflistryoftheCom~titionTribunlll THE COMMISSIONER OF COMPETITION Grette du Trihuna\ ue ta con:u;.!:~S~ '. l 'Il'•l 'G,_ JSTF,, n,r , . n- , t 1 ­i -' -f. , . f "l .. _~fr:,j r k'" I~ Applicant IEC I' '2003 ; I -and-1------r----ttt/-f()RRWISTRAR/ , -p()ll'l REClS'f_R,2~4.':'.-. ,._;.+~-· 932552 ONTARIO LIMITED, OPERATING AS TRISTAR DISTRIBUTION CENTER AND TREVOR BRISEBOIS

Respondents CONSENT THE PARTIES hereby irrevocably consent to the registration of a consent agreement pursuant to section 74.12 of the Competition Act in the form attached hereto.

Raymo Pierce Deputy Commissioner of Competition

_,Qated at Gat~uebec, this ~~day of , , 2003.

- 2 -932552 Ontario Limited, o/a Tristar Distribution Center, and Trevor Briseboi !/. n JS and authorized signing officer

Dated at Toronto, ~:this r , 2ctJl.. day of t.~ ~ '" , 2003. ~"' Dated at Toront?J Ontario this AJ;t:A day ofMt#-uA· , 2003.

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