
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Attention : ce document est disponible en anglais seulement.

I.I Bureau de la c1 ·ncurrence Competition BurEau Caned a Canada Place du Forteg I Piaa& du ?ortag~ I Telecopleur·Fe<;:simile SO, rue Vle'lorla 50 Victoria Street (819) 953--8546 Gatineau (Queb !C) Gatineau, Quebec Telephone-Telephone K1AOC K1AOC9 (819) 997-1209 .IOV - 1 2003 The Competi ion Tribunal clo Ms. Moni qut Seguin, the Registrar

Royal Bank ( :entre COMPETiT!ON nmemlAl TR'.:SUN,;U U:E U\ p 600-90 Spar~ s Street R F Ott.awa Onta io 0 t 7 l NOV 7' 2003 D KlP 5B4 ! u p I lt~t51RJ\~ - ~':.;.';i:li~Aii\'.f T Dear :Ms. Se~ uin.: l. ·-~~T~~~~·~;~~~-rf il)Z,, Re: Bare• de. Systems Inc. vs. Symbol Technologies Canada ULC - Applkation pursuant to Section 75 of the Competition Act

This i ; to celtify pursuant to section 103. l of the Competition Act (the "Act") that the above-cai 1tioned matter is not the subject of an inquiry nor was it the subject of an inquiry that t as been discontinued because of a settlement between the Commissioner of Competition :lnd the targeted person.

Yours sincerely. ~~ Deputy Commissioner of Competition (Civil Matters)


 Vous allez être redirigé vers la version la plus récente de la loi, qui peut ne pas être la version considérée au moment où le jugement a été rendu.