
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Attention : ce document est disponible en anglais seulement.


IN THE MATIER OF an application by the Director of Investigation and Research, for orders pursuant to sections 92 and 105 of the Competition Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-34 as amended;

AND IN THE MATIER OF the acquisition by ApM-1'.gri.: -- · ·; .---, ·· _·, · : ·-~-, Industries, Ltd. of the milling assets of Maple Leaf ~iHs· Ille." BETWEEN: and ADM AGRI-INDUSTRIES, LTD.


· :. . : , .c .. ·: :: ~ l 1 ' MJR ~! 1997 ~ l Applicant Respondent

Page 2 I, John Pecman, of the City of Nepean, in the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton, in the Province of Ontario, MAKE OATH AND SAY:

1. I am a senior commerce officer with the Competition Bureau (the "Bureau") of the Department of Industry Canada.

2. I am the officer in charge of conducting the examination and assessment of the acquisition by ADM Agri-lndustries, Ltd. of the milling assets of Maple Leaf Mills Inc.

3. As such, I have knowledge of the information contained in the statement of grounds and material facts attached as Schedule A to the application by the Director for a consent order pursuant to sections 92 and 105 of the Competition Act and verily believe to the best of my knowledge the said information to be true.

4. Prior to the closing of the merger, ADM executed an undertaking to hold separate the Oak Street mill, which undertaking remains in effect until the Tribunal approves the interim order, to which ADM has also consented. The undertaking to hold separate and the proposed consent interim order are to the same effect.

5. I verily believe that the interim order is necessary to preserve the ability of the Tribunal to render effective remedies should it see fit to make further orders regarding the acquisition mentioned above.

SWORN BEFORE ME at the City of ) Hull, in the Province of Quebec, ) on theJl~day of March, 1997. . ) ~~ ) /r3'-f?-:t--:;- ) cemmissfone1 for Tak1ng- ) Affidavits, etc. ) ~/@~B~

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