
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Attention : ce document est disponible en anglais seulement.

CT·l/88 TEE COMPETITION TRIBUNAL 'N THE MATTER CF an applicatior. by the Di.rector of :~vestigation ~nd Research under Section 64{1] of tne C'0rr'p<?•:ition !-ct, R.S.C. 1970, c. C-23 :!S amended;

AND L~ . :11' v .• ··TE R OF a Limited Partner,~· : p formed to combine t·.· ~:· "'ations of the Reservec enc Pegas;.rn · · ·: .. ~·r reset·vA.tlon systems; ~ ",' !N THE MA'; ·~FP ~he Gemini Group Automated Di~+--· - C:iystems, Inc. ::: E T W E E l~: The Dirr"' ~nvestigation and Research . :.cant Ti?i~UNAL O:! !.:'\ C'.JJ.:c:t~::-~;:;: P R F, 0 - and ­f D L u I D r Air Canada Canada Services Inc. PWA Corporation ana ar Airlines International Ltd. Pacific Western Airlines Ltd. Canadiar Pacific Air Lines, Limited 154793 Canada Ltd. 153333 Canada Limited Partnershio The Gemini Grouf Automated Distribution S~ste~R - and -Consuners' Association of Canada lmerican Airlines Inc.

Wardair Canada Inc. Att(rney General of Manitoba Alliance cf Canadian Travel Associations Bi( s Ccrnputi ng Corpora t:i.on Air ?tonabee Limited Interve:-:ors


TAKE NOTICE that the applicant will before the Competition Tribunal on Monday, April 24, 1989.

The motion i:; for: 1. An order am•·nding the relief sought in the amended application n accordance with Schedule qA" attached hereto.

2. An order on consent in the form attached as Schedule "A" hereto.

THE GROUNDS 1' 0R THE MOTION ARE AS FOLLOWS: This motion is made to seek the Competition ~·ribunal. for the consent order in ,. A" pursuant to section R.S.C. 1985, c. C-34.

AND TAKE NO~ICE that in support of this application will be read the pleacings and order herein and the impact statement, the applicant and the respondents, filed, and such Sllch and other material af counsel Tribunal permit,

- 2 -make a motion

approval of the Schedule 105 Of th e Co mpe +- .j .... . ~J. ... ion t .. c t,

proceedings herein, the consent filed, the consents of further may advise and the Competition

- 3 -This motion will be presented in the English language.

DATED at Tcronto, Ontario, this 1989.

12th day of April,

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