
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

Attention : ce document est disponible en anglais seulement.

Bernier, Andrée From: Joyal, Francois <> Sent: November-07-18 1:56 PM To: Zamor, Bianca Cc: Bernier, Andrée; David Kent; Mark Opashinov; Adam Chisholm; Leschinsky, Derek (CB); Klippenstein, Paul; Joyal, Francois Subject: CT-2018-008 - Commissioner of Competition v Live Nation et al. - correction Mrs. Zamor, This is further to your conversation with Mrs. Mallory Kelly of the Competition Bureau’s Legal Services, regarding the service and filing today of the Commissioner’s response to the Respondents’ informal request of November 2, 2018, asking for a case conference in relation to the Order of the Tribunal dated October 17, 2018.

Please note the following correction to the letter of the undersigned dated today, which forms part of our materials. At page 3, 3 rd paragraph, the words “or provide the requested testing materials” should not appear there. The phrase should read “They did not indicate whether they would list the documents in the possession power or control of each Respondent (no 1 above)”.

Apologies for any inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding François Joyal Avocat général General Counsel Bureau régional du Québec Quebec Regional Office Secteur national du contentieux National Litigation Sector Ministère de la Justice Department of Justice Gouvernement du Canada Government of Canada Téléphone: (514) 283-5880 Telephone : (514) 283-5880 Ce message contient des renseignements qui pourraient être confidentiels, soustraits à la communication, ou protégés par le privilège relatif au litige ou par le secret professionnel liant l'avocat ou le notaire à son client. S'il ne vous est pas destiné, vous êtes priés de ne pas le lire, l'utiliser, le conserver ou le diffuser. Veuillez sans tarder le supprimer et en détruire toute copie, et communiquer avec l'expéditeur au (514) 283-5880 ou par courriel à Merci. / This communication contains information that may be confidential, exempt from disclosure, subject to litigation privilege or protected by the privilege that exists between lawyers or notaries and their clients. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not read, rely on, retain, or distribute it. Please delete or otherwise destroy this communication and all copies of it immediately, and contact the sender at (514) 283-5880 or by email at Thank you.


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