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Suite 2016, in the City of Toronto, in the Province of Ontario, MAKE OATH AND SAY AS FOLLOWS:

(a) That I am a publishing industry consultant and President of Edwin Bolwell & Associates Ltd., consultants and attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "A" to this Affidavit is a copy of my _Resume.

I 2 ( b) I have been retained by the Director of Investigation and Research in connection with this proceeding to provide a report on the newspaper industry in Canada and, specifically, on the newspaper markets of the City of Vancouver, in the North Shore and the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.

(b) That attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "B" to this Affidavit is the public, corrected, version of Exhibit "B" to my Affidavit dated August 16, 1991.

SWORN BEFORE ME at the City ) of Vancouver, in the Province) of British Columbia, this ) 4th day of September, 1991. ) <:=. ' ~.Q~~ ) EDWIN BOLWELL af ,, .""") ) I' J. ?ll~ x::'.' -..<..-=<.-1 i'---'<. ) A Cornrnisioner for ta'Krng ) Affidavits for British ) Columbia. )

EDWIN BOLWELL Edwin (Ted) Bolwell is a publishing industry consultant with an extensive, accomplished background as a senior executive with some of North America's major publications.

His staff positions have included: * Editorial director of Canada's largest daily news­paper chain.

* Editor of one of the biggest newspapers in the U.S. * Managing editor of Canada's largest newspaper. * Senior editor at Time magazine in New York. * An assistant editor at the New York Times.

In recent years. he has declined such appointments as pub­lisher at various major Canadian newspapers, publisher of a major national magazine. and president of a large chain of weekly suburban newspapers. Instead, he has headed Edwin Bol~ell & Associates Ltd., a consulting firm he established to assist owners of newspdpers and mngazines in all areas of their operations. i~cluding str·at0qic ~Janning. market research and repositioning, seni·~r staffing, product redasign. mark<-~t i ng cmd pr.-,.>mo cicn. acquis-

! ti ons dnd startups.

His clients have included Hearst newspapers in the ~.S., and, in Canada, Southam Newspapers. the Toronto St.dr. the Fin~ncial Post. TV Guide, NOW magazine and Dumont Publicatluns (a Quebec-based weekly newspaper chain).

He also has clients in Australia, and has been called upon by the Canadian Ministry of Consumer & Corporate Affairs as a publishing industry expert. most notably in a major inquiry involving the Thomson and Southam newspaper groups.

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EDWIN BOLWELL 33,,bour Square Telephone: Suite 2016 (416) Toronto, Canada 869-0157 MSJ 2G2 CAREER Since 1981 EDWIN BOLWELL & ASSOCIATES LTD. President A consulting firm that specializes in assisting newspapers and magazines to increase readership. Among services provided: market & reader studies, redesign, content changes (including development of new sections, new magazines, new TV guides), staff assessments, systems reorganization, market­ing strategies and planning, promotion & advertis­ing planning and execution. Clients have included Hearst Newspapers, Southam Newspapers, TV Guide (Canada), the Financial Post and NOW magazine. 1978-1980 F. P. PUBLICATIONS LIMITED, TORONTO Editorial Director Reporting directly to president of Canada's biggest newspaper chain, was responsible for overall edit­orial standards of group's nine dailies. Accomplishments included dramatic revival of three ailing newspapers in competitive markets. Major overhauls of products and personnel resulted in two of the largest circulation gains in Canadian newspaper history.Also created widely acclaimed F.P. News Service. Other duties included advising the F.P. president on marketing strategies; exploring the development or acquisition of new publications, both newspapers and magazines; planning and interpreting readership studies; assisting in the hiring and development of publishers and key editorial personnel.


Also served as one of two F.P.-designated directors on board of Today magazine, a national weekly newspaper supplement (circ. 2,700,000), jointly owned by F.P., Southam and Torstar. 1977 NEW YORK POST Editor Hired by Publisher Rupert Murdoch two weeks after he took over the paper. Mandate, as the top-ranking editor, was to revitalize the paper to attract new readers and advertisers. Editorially, accomplishments included enlivening the paper with crisper, tighter news stories, new features, new design, new talent. Administratively, accomplishments included exten­sive reorganization of editorial staff (some 250) and operating procedures; establishing more effect­ive working relationships with other departments. Circulation gained more than 100,000 in six months. Left in dispute with publisher over paper's tone. 1976 TIME MAGAZINE, NEW YORK Senior Editor Responsible primarily for planning and producing contents of Press, People and Living sections. Also senior-edited, occasionally, Art, Behavior, Cinema, Education, Environment, Medicine, Music, Religion, Sexes, Science, Showbusiness, Television and Theater sections. 1974-1976 THE TORONTO STAR Managing Editor Responsible for planning, producing all editorial content except that on editorial page and letters to the editor; recruitment and development of staff of 325; preparation and administration of $9,000,000 budget. As member of executive committee and various spec­ial committees, also deeply involved in corporate planning and strategy.

3. Editorially, accomplishments included innovative use of graphics and editing techniques to make paper more attractive to readers; introduction of several successful new features. Under my dir-ection, Star won four National Newspaper Awards (Canada's equivalent to the Pulitzers) and numerous other awards. Administratively, accomplishments included exten­sive reorganization of staff to increase quality and productivity. At same time, significantly improved staff morale. Note: Underwent in California, 1974, management training course conducted by distinguished indust­rial psychologist Robert B. Morton. 1969-1973 TIME MAGAZINE, NEW YORK Acting Senior Editor Responsible primarily for Education, Law and Religion sections. Also edited, occasionally, World, Press, People, Showbusiness, Cinema and Music sections. Associate Editor In this capacity was, progressively, Press Editor, Color Projects Editor, Sports Editor (responsible for Munich Olympics coverage), Associate World Editor. Wrote cover stories on Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, Argentina's Juan and Isabelita Peron, and Women's Wear Daily Publisher John Fairchild. 1967-1969 THE" NEW YORK TIMES Assistant Metropolitan Editor Shared responsibility for news coverage of New York City, New York State~ New Jersey and Connecti-cut. Devised new plan to cover suburbs. Assistant Cultural News Editor Shared responsibility for coverage and editing of theater, movies and other entertainment news.

4. Assistant Women's Editor Shared responsibility for coverage and editing of family, food, fashion, furnishings news. Note: Was among small team of editors who con­ceived and produced prototype of evening paper then contemplated by New York Times. 1958-1966 THE GLOBE AND MAIL, TORONTO Posts included Editor of the Globe Magazine (the paper's own weekly roto supplement), National Editor, Foreign Editor, City Assignments Editor, Picture Editor, Western Canada Bureau Chief, Political Reporter. Note: From 1961 to 1966 was, periodically, guest political commentator for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on national television and radio. 1958 ONTARIO HYDRO-ELEC'l'RIO POWER COI"JMISSION, TORONTO Information Officer. Wrote speeches for Chairman, prepared material for commission publications. 1957 CANADIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION, TORONTO Radio News Editor. First job in Canada. Prepared national and regional newscasts. 1951-1957 THE HERALD, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA General and sports reporter. Chief reporter on Melbourne Olympics. Twice runner-up in national honors for cadet reporters. EDUCATION University of Melbourne. Journalism course. Haileybury College, Victoria, Australia. Boarder. Matriculated with second-highest marks in school. PERSONAL Born Melbourne, Australia, November 7, 1932. Divorced. Two adult children, Farley and Nicole. Special interests include music (classical to contemporary), theatre, reading, cooking, sports. Very active tennis player, occasional sailor. (Ghosted 1975 book on tennis for former Australian Davis Cup captain Harry Hopman.) Formerly very active in-track & field, Australian Rules football, cricket.

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