
Informations sur la décision

Contenu de la décision

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CT-2005-008 THE COMPETITION TRIBUNAL IN THE MA1TER OJI' the Competition Act R.S.C. 1985. c. C-JS as amended; AND IN TBE MATT.ER OF a joint venture between SaslcatchcWBD Wheat Pool Inc. and James Richardson International Llmited in respect of port terminal grain handling in the Part of Vancouver; ·

AND IN THE MATl'ER OJ filing and registration of a Consent Interim Agreement. pursuant to section 105 oftho Competition Act.


WHEREAS Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Inc. ("SWP"). James Richardson Intanational Limited ('"JRI") and tho Commissioner of Competition ('"Commissioner"). filed a Consent Jntmim Agreement with the Competition Tribunal on July S, 2005;

AND WHEREAS the Consent Interim Agrccmentwu registered by the Tribunal on July S, 2005;

AND WHEREAS the Consent Interim Agreement wu set to expire on September 3, 2005; AND WHEREAS the parties beieto entered into a Consent Interim~ Ameadina Agreement dated September 2. 200S which was filed with the Competition Tn'buDIJ. on September 14. 2005;



-2-AND WHEREAS the Consent Interim Agreement, as amended by the Consent Intc:rim Agreement Amending Agreement was" set to expire on September 26, 2005;

AND WHEREAS the parties hereto entered into a Second Consent Interim Agreement Amending Agreement dated September 26, 2005 which was filed with tho Competition Tribunal on

October 6, 2005;

AND WHEREAS tho Consent Interim Agreement as amended by the Second Comeot Interim Agreement Amending Agreement is set to expire on October 27, 2005;

AND WHEREAS SWP, JRI and the Commissioner have agreed to a further extension oft he term of the Consent Interim Agreement. BS previously amended;

NOW TllEREJ'ORE SWP, JRI and the Commissioner agree~ follows: 1. . The Consent Interim Agreement, BS amended. is hereby amended further u follows: (a) Paragraph 33 i3 deleted in its entirety and replaced with the followin1: This agreement shall remain in effect until October 31, 2005, save and except for if on or before October 31, 200S, the C-amminioner advises SWP and JRI that the Commissionrr intends to file an application under s. 92 oft he Con?lilionActin respect ofa ll orpmt oftbe JV, in which casa this agreement will expire on November 10, 2005, or, upon agreement of the parties. on an earlier date.

2. Except u amended by this Third Consent Interim Agra:mentAmendin1Aaieemcnt. the Consent Interim Agreement ls confirmed in all respects.

3. This Third Consent Interim Agreement Amending Agrec:ment ameadl tho Consent Interim Apeement. This Third Consent Interim Agreement Ameadin1 Aareemeat ml tbe Consent Interim Agreement shall be read together and comtitute one qreemmt with the same effect u ift he amcndmenb: made by this Third Consent Interim AgrcemcntAmendin1 Agreement had been contained in the Cooscnt Interim Agreement. but with effect as oft he

date hereof:

4. Ift hens is a conflict. inconsistency or incongruity bctwecu any provision ofI bis Third Consent Interim Agreement Amending Agra:ment and any provision oft he Coueat Intaim A.pement. the relevant provision of this Third Consent Interim Aareanent Amendfna Asieemcmt is to prevail S. This Third Consent IntcrimAgrcemc:nt AIDcadiugAgr=mmtmay bcc:xccuk:d bytbc parties in separate counterparts, each of which when so executed and dellwicd (which may include delivery by .facsimile transmission and the reproduction of signatures by f'acsimilc

-3-transmiuion) will be treated as bindins as if originals, and which. if taken together, shall constitute one and the same instrument

DATED at Gatineau. Quebec, this{]_ day of October, 2005.

DAT ED at Regina. Saskatchewan, this _day of October, 2005. SASKATCHEWAN WHEAT POOL lNC. Per: _________

DATED at Winnipea. Manitoba. thiJ _day of October, 2005. JAMES R.ICHARDSONJNTER.NAnONAL LIMITED Per:. _________ FILED AND REGISTERED BY the Tribunal, thia day of mmlddlyy.

-1 -.w . -.. I I £ -11U -'1 ... ; o.a l'AA. ~UI """ ~Iii' 4o JJ(J. ~UAL JJ.l::!"l'. -+ BALFOUR-REG ~0021004 --·--~ - --·--- -- -CT-2005-008 T.BB COMPE'I'l'l'ION TlUB'DNAL 1:N TBE MATl'ER 01!' tha ComplllttonA.ct R.S.C. 19BS. c. C-35 us mnsnded; AM> IN THE MATl1tR. OJ' ajofnt vemura between Saslc4tcb~ Wheat Pool Ina. and !amea Ricbardson Jutemational Limited iJ1 tespeot of porttunu.iDal gridn handling in tha Fort of Vanaou\ler: · ' AND IN THE M:ATl'Bll 01' filing and ~attation af a Consent Inmu Agreement. pursue.nt to secdOJl 10!5 oft he Campirltlon .Act, BETWDN; TBE. COMMISSIONER. Oli' COMP.E'l'l110N ... ANJ>. SASKATCBEWAN WB:U.TPOOL INC. -AND-.JAMES BICBABDSONJNTERNATIONALLIM1'1'ED

WBEIUtAS Saskatchewan Wheat Pool lno. (~"). James :aioht\rdson IntcmatiDDBl Limited ("JlU") and tha Commissioner Df'Com.petition. (''Camm1&ionr'11iled & CUDSCDtlntadm A~ with tbcl Competition Tribunal ou July 511 2005; .ANDWJIEREAStheCoasentinterlm..Agrc:cmentwi:agiataedbfthCl'Iillnmalcm.JulyS1 2005; A.ND WBJmEAS the CoDS8111IntcrbnAgroctnmt was set ta cx:phc 011September3, 2005; .AND WBEREAS the parties hereto enteRd into a Consent TJJterdm Aii-mcat Amending Aaiument dated Sesitember 2. 200S which WU filed with ihc Com.petition Tribunal on September 14, 2005;

, ~Vf ~" "''U'1 .&.'liV'I rAA. " -u• -., · ., -4'0 -'14 - ·---JKl Lt;(;Al. JJJ::l"l', -------- .. BALFOUR-REG ltQ003/00.& -2-AND WBBBEAS 1he Conatllt Interim Agreement. as 11111ended by tbs Consent Interim Aaroome11t Amendmg Agr=ment" Wai set to explm Dll September 26, 2005;

AND WBDBAS 1he parties hcrcta entered iDto a. Scccmd Conaaut I:ab:clm Apemeat .i\mmuling Agn:ementdated Saptmnber26, 2005 which was filed wifh the Competition Ttlbunal on

·:>ctober 6, 2005;

A1'Q) WBERBAS 1bB Consmlt JntWm Apemcnt u emmlded by tha Socond Consent fntcrlm Agi:eemmt Amending.Agreemcmt is set to ~pi:Ec an Ocstobc:rl7. 200S;

.A.ND WBEBEAS SWP 1 JRI and the Commissioner have agreed to a.fmthrir extension oft he tma oft be Con1ent brterlm Agreement, as previously amended; NOW TllltREFORE SWP, JIU and the Commissioner BIP&S ~ tbllaws: 1. . The Consentlntc:;rfmAgteemant. u amended> ishel:eby arnaoded i\Jrtber 11 follows: (a) Paragmph 33 Is deleted in its enthety andxeplaccd with the following: TlJfJ agrcemmt &ball xemab:i in dot l1!ltil Oetober 31. 2005, smi and except ibr If cm or bdbro October 31, 2005, tba Cnmmissionar advises SWP a!Ml JRI 1hat the Commfuloonr intends to :file an application uador a. 92 oftheConpttltlon.Jdfarespecto!all orpart of1he 'JV, In whiah cue this agreommit wBl DXpim on November lO, 2005, or, upon agrmiment oft b11 parties, on an ear1iar date. 2. ~ssptasam.cmdedby1hi1Tbi?d.Consentlnterim.Asn=amentAmeodln1.Agrerment, the Canaont In1erim Agteemcntis co.nfirmed fn all respeots. 3. This Third Consmt Intetim AgrermcntA~i As,teemcnt amends tha Consmrt Intr.rhn ~ Thia 1'hhd CanscDt !$rim Apmn=t Amandina.Aaremnmt and the Cament lDtadm A~ shall be read together IUld canstltate amt apement wit1i tbc same effect aa ift ba amcradmentsmado by this Tldrd Co:o:stmtlntarim.~ent.Amaading Apemnlllltbad been oontained in the Consent JnUdm~ butwlth. affect as af'the datDhmeot. 4. Ift here is a cottfliat, inccmslsteocy ar inoougrultybotween myproviai011 aftms Third Couaeotlutcrim.ApcmentAmcndinsAgrc:omeat ad anyprmacm ofiba Conaem:IDtedm. .Agrcemcmt. the rcklvant pmvjsion of this 'Ihhd Consent Interlm Ae;ceement Amending .Agteemmit is to prevail. S. ThisThlrdCoaseut:J:mm:m.AgrcemeatAmcodin&Ape:mcatms;yboaxoauteclbythe parties In separate t10UDb:rrparts1 each ofw hich wbc:n ao cx.ocutad end doliwred (wbichma;y bJclude dclivmy by :fBcshnlle 1rammissian and the reproduction of msaaiures by tacsfmile

, "''" 41' 4.lllUI .I.•; O'I l'A.&. .CU4 »4.;) .i:~'/ 4 . ------------- -+ DALFOlJR-RBG taloo.a100.1 -3-transrmsslon) will be trntcd as bb:J.dJna as if adgimls, and which. iflalam 'together, shall constitute one and the sama faatrummt

])ATED at Gatinea.u. Quebec, thi.a _day of October,2005.

DATED at Reldnas Sukalcbawaa. this _day of Octtibar, 2005. SASKATCH:BwAN WBBAT POOL INC.

DATBD at Wlmdpcs. Mluitoba. thi1 J.3!'day of October, 2005.

OCT 17 '1!15 i4!12 FR SASK LJl-EAT RD.. 4TH 306 569 5133 TO ~Cl.R-REGll-R P.ecve2 -3-D'aDIDJllsslon) will be 1Iatcd as blndlng u if originals. aiid. which. if1 abn togetbct. sbB11 const:itute ona and. the same iDstn:rmc:ri.t. DA.TBD at Gatlneau. Quebec. tbia _day of October; 2005.

DATED at aeama. Sasladchewan, tbfJ /2!!. day at October, 2005. SASKATCHEWAN WHBAT POOL INC. Pct: '}1//Lf:u~--~ Pee.._. -~~"""1____L ........ . __ -.a: I•ATED at W"umlpag. ~toba. this _day of October, 2005.


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